Текущее время: 01 июн 2024, 16:29

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 Заголовок сообщения: ASUS TUF GTX 1660S зависает изображение.
СообщениеДобавлено: 30 дек 2022, 19:19 
Я тут случайно
Я тут случайно
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 26 дек 2022, 07:22
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 15
Откуда: Тюмень
Здравствуйте! С наступающим новым годом! Что бы не делать оффтоп, создал отдельную тему.
Купил сабжевую видеокарту на алике, карта БУ. Не сказать что она ужарена, состояние норм. Прокладки норм, термопаста не камень, но заменил. В общем зависает рандомно изображение в играх и тестах на ней. Блок питания хороший, чифек 550Вт. Решил протестировать память видеокарты прогой ОССТ. Она наша ошибки в работе памяти.

Решил протестить мадсом, если только стандартные 20мБ, то только 33 ошибки которые называют глюком подключенного монитора. Тестил 500, там уже другая картина.

Что скажете? Неисправен чип С0?
Видео проблемы:

У вас нет доступа для просмотра вложений:
1. Пожалуйста авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйтесь.
2. Вы должны иметь 15 (ПЯТНАДЦАТЬ) или более сообщений.
3. У нас можно купить доступ к файлам.

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: ASUS TUF GTX 1660S зависает изображение.
СообщениеДобавлено: 30 дек 2022, 19:36 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 12 апр 2016, 16:20
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 925
Откуда: Таганрог
Здравствуйте! С наступающим новым годом!

Что-то тут не так, может я не в курсе, но почему так много ошибок чтения?
Должно было быть вот типа такого:
https://ruslankomp.ru/wp-content/upload ... fbiob1.jpg

У вас нет доступа для просмотра вложений:
1. Пожалуйста авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйтесь.
2. Вы должны иметь 15 (ПЯТНАДЦАТЬ) или более сообщений.
3. У нас можно купить доступ к файлам.

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: ASUS TUF GTX 1660S зависает изображение.
СообщениеДобавлено: 31 дек 2022, 04:47 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 07 апр 2018, 15:32
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Сообщения: 1272
Было подобное на карте со сколотым чипом, так что осматривайте внимательно с увеличительными приборами. Сопротивления и скрин GPU-Z тоже было бы не лишним опубликовать. Есть ли на карте опознавательные шильдики? Фото тоже набросайте.

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: ASUS TUF GTX 1660S зависает изображение.
СообщениеДобавлено: 01 янв 2023, 12:08 
Я тут случайно
Я тут случайно
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 26 дек 2022, 07:22
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 15
Откуда: Тюмень
Картина в общем такая. Разобрал карту что бы посмотреть чип, сколов не нашёл. Отмыл кисточкой со спиртом черную пыль или грязь с системы питания. Собрал вставил в комп, бублик - артефакты, суперпозишн - артефакты. Мадс / модс - 33 ошибки и всё )))

Так то раз ничего радикального я с картой не делал, разобрал - собрал просто, сдаётся мне отвал GPU...

У вас нет доступа для просмотра вложений:
1. Пожалуйста авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйтесь.
2. Вы должны иметь 15 (ПЯТНАДЦАТЬ) или более сообщений.
3. У нас можно купить доступ к файлам.

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: ASUS TUF GTX 1660S зависает изображение.
СообщениеДобавлено: 01 янв 2023, 13:56 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 03 ноя 2017, 01:24
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 3992
Откуда: Budapest
для начала надо отреболить ГПУ и память, перед установкой ГПУ и памяти прозвоните все пятаки по каналу В и С
так как карта использовалась в сырых условиях

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: ASUS TUF GTX 1660S зависает изображение.
СообщениеДобавлено: 06 янв 2023, 19:12 
Я тут случайно
Я тут случайно
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 26 дек 2022, 07:22
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 15
Откуда: Тюмень
Удалось запустить и протестировать карту мадс и модс из этой темы: https://vlab.su/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=124090
MODS start: Fri Jan 6 19:22:53 2023

Command Line : gputest.js -short -test 275 -no_gold -adc_cal_check_ignore -matsinfo

Foundry : GenuineIntel
Name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3340 CPU @ 3.10GHz
Family : 6
Model : 10
Stepping : 9

MODS : 400.281
OperatingSystem: Linux (x86_64)
Kernel : 4.17.4-gentoo
KernelDriver : 3.87
SBIOS Version : 3801
SBIOS Date : 09/12/2013
HostName : tinylinux
Sys-uuid : 76D9BFE0-4FFB-11E0-BA39-F46D040C9D3A

GPU 0 [01:00.0] dev.sub 0.0
DevInst : 0
PCI Location : 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00
GPU DID : 0x21c4
PDI : 0xc9418e52323291b9
Raw ECID : 0x011fc6000000000560860591
Raw ECID (GHS) : 0x1640560860400000018fe0200
ECID : P1M261-24_x-4_y08
Device Id : TU116
Revision : a1
NV Base : 0xf6000000
FB Base : 0xe0000000
IRQ : 11
WARNING: GPU 0 [01:00.0] PCIE speed capability (8000Gbps) higher than down stream port link speed (2500Gbps)
Warning: MODS console is unable to alter terminal parameters
Foundry : TSMC
Subsystem VID : 0x1043
Subsystem DID : 0x8756
Board ID : 0x01b2
Chip SKU : 300-2
Project : G161-0026
Fuse File Fmt : JSON
Display : 0x00000400 (id)
SBIOS Init : Primary
Native Mode : 1920x1080
Memory Size : 6144 MB
FB Vendor : Hynix
RAM Protocol : GDDR6
RAM Config : 2
ROM Version :
ROM Type : Partner Production
ROM Partner : asus
ROM Project ID : 107889asus
ROM Timestamp : 2019-11-1 08:21:37
ROM Expiration : 2020-4-29 08:21:37
ROM GUID : DEFC88ECFB574CC282D056F911990B7D
PPC Pri/Sec FW : Unknown
PPC Driver Ver : Unknown
PState (mode) : 8 5 3 2 [0]
PState Version : 3.5
EDC : Disabled
GPC Clock : 1980.0/1975.0 MHz NAFLL
DRAM Clock : 7001.0/7003.3 MHz DEFAULT
Host Clock : 1380.0/1380.0 MHz NAFLL
XBar Clock : 1890.0/1881.2 MHz NAFLL
Sys Clock : 1995.0/1989.6 MHz NAFLL
Power Clock : 540.0/539.6 MHz DEFAULT
NVDec Clock : 1830.0/1820.9 MHz NAFLL
Display Clock : 1330.0/1332.7 MHz DEFAULT
NVVDD : 1031 mV
GPC Mask : 0x07 (3 GPCs)
TPC Mask : [f f e] (11 TPCs)
FB Mask : 0x07 (3 FB Partitions)
ROP/L2 Mask : [3 3 3] (6 ROP/L2s)
PES Mask : [3 3 3] (6 PESes)
FBIO Mask : 0x07 (3 FBIO Partitions)
FBIO Shift Mask: 0x00
XP Mask : 0x03 (2 3gio Pads)
Nvdec Mask : 0x01 (1 engine)
Nvenc Mask : 0x01 (1 engine)
Gpu Temp : 37 deg C
PEX Rx Lanes : 0xffff
PEX Tx Lanes : 0xffff
PEX Det. Lanes : 0xffff
PEX Width, ASLM: 16 lanes, Not Supported
PEX Link Speed : 8.0 Gbit/s
PEX BandWidth : 128.0 Gbit/s
ASPM, ASPM-CYA : (L0s/L1, Disabled)
ASPM L1SS, CYA : (Disabled, L1.1/L1.2)
LTR : Disabled

VID : 8086 (Intel)
Chipset DID : 1C46 (IntelP67-CougarPoint)
Chipset ASPM : L0s/L1

RM Version : rel/gpu_drv/r400/r400_00-823
resumehandler.js: 1
gputest.js : 81
short.spc : 5
boards.js : 3

Running test(s) on GPU 0 [01:00.0] (DID: 0x21c4)
Enter SetPState (test 0)
Switched to PState 0 (0.max). Pcie Speed=8000, x16
ClkM = 7000.98 MHz
ClkHost = 1380.00 MHz
ClkDisp = 1330.00 MHz
ClkGpc = 1980.00 MHz
ClkXbar = 1890.00 MHz
ClkSys = 1995.00 MHz
ClkHub = 810.00 MHz
ClkPwr = 540.00 MHz
ClkNvd = 1830.00 MHz
ClkPexGen = 3.00
NVVDD = 1031 mV
Exit 000000000000 : SetPState (test 0) ok
Enter BaseBoostClockTest (test 275)
Found board name PG161-0026
WARNING: RTP power policy is not supported in the VBIOS on GPU 0
Could not open/detect USB temperature sensor.
Disabling reads from the sensor, defaulting ambient temperature to 30C, and continuing.
Starting Preheat GPU=0, setting max power limit TGP=150 W, RTP=0 W, AcousticTC = 90 C
Heating GPU=0 at 19:23:01 from 37 C to 67 C, for up to 90 sec.
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 132 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 192 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 123 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 130 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 66 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 65 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 194 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 126 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 58 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 123 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 65 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 5 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 125 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 183 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 67 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 118 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 2 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 69 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 259 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 196 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 130 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 219 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 185 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
MonitorTemp GPU=0 Tj=67 over temp limit of 67 at 65 s
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 247 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 60 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
Preheat done GPU=0 Tj=67 Tach=1062, 1468 P=145 V=1.037 G=1890.0
TDP BaseClockTest starting GPU=0, RTP power=0 W, compensated AcousticTC temperature = 83 C, TGP limit = 125 W
Heating GPU=0 at 19:24:10 at 60 C for 30 sec.
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 181 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 133 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 121 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 259 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 60 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 135 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 76 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 62 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 70 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 60 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
BaseClock done GPU=0 Tj=59 Tach=1857.6, 1497.0666666666666 P=66 V=0.768 G=1530.0
TDP BoostClockTest starting GPU=0, RTP = 0 W, compensated AcousticTC = 83 C, TGP limit = 125 W
Heating GPU=0 at 19:24:42 at 57 C for 30 sec.
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 114999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 130 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 180999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 546 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 166999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 130 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 176999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 33999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 256 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 184999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 133999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 95999 is greater than max: 0!
BoostClock done GPU=0 Tj=61 Tach=1447, 1468.5333333333333 P=89 V=0.925 G=1815.0
Exit 000000000000 : BaseBoostClockTest (test 275) ok
Enter SetPState (test 0)
Switched to PState 0 (0.intersect.nvvdd). Pcie Speed=8000, x16
ClkM = 7000.98 MHz
ClkHost = 960.00 MHz
ClkDisp = 1080.00 MHz
ClkGpc = 1110.00 MHz
ClkXbar = 1065.00 MHz
ClkSys = 1110.00 MHz
ClkHub = 648.00 MHz
ClkPwr = 540.00 MHz
ClkNvd = 1020.00 MHz
ClkPexGen = 3.00
NVVDD = 625 mV
Exit 000000000000 : SetPState (test 0) ok
Enter BaseBoostClockTest (test 275)
Found board name PG161-0026
WARNING: RTP power policy is not supported in the VBIOS on GPU 0
Could not open/detect USB temperature sensor.
Disabling reads from the sensor, defaulting ambient temperature to 30C, and continuing.
Starting Preheat GPU=0, setting max power limit TGP=150 W, RTP=0 W, AcousticTC = 90 C
Heating GPU=0 at 19:25:12 from 58 C to 67 C, for up to 90 sec.
MonitorTemp GPU=0 Tj=67 over temp limit of 67 at 1 s
Preheat done GPU=0 Tj=67 Tach=1112, 1455 P=150 V=1.037 G=1890.0
TDP BaseClockTest starting GPU=0, RTP power=0 W, compensated AcousticTC temperature = 83 C, TGP limit = 125 W
Heating GPU=0 at 19:25:15 at 61 C for 30 sec.
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 141 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 62 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 133 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 121 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 68 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 135 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 128 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 133 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 44 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 129 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
BaseClock done GPU=0 Tj=60 Tach=1857, 1481.2666666666667 P=70 V=0.768 G=1530.0
TDP BoostClockTest starting GPU=0, RTP = 0 W, compensated AcousticTC = 83 C, TGP limit = 125 W
Heating GPU=0 at 19:25:47 at 58 C for 30 sec.
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 130 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 168999 is greater than max: 1000!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 130 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 313999 is greater than max: 1000!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 130 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 138999 is greater than max: 1000!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 115999 is greater than max: 1000!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 147999 is greater than max: 1000!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 54999 is greater than max: 1000!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 130 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 51999 is greater than max: 1000!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 36999 is greater than max: 1000!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 146999 is greater than max: 1000!
BoostClock done GPU=0 Tj=62 Tach=1451.7333333333333, 1465.1333333333334 P=81 V=0.925 G=1815.0
Exit 000000000000 : BaseBoostClockTest (test 275) ok
Enter SetPState (test 0)
Switched to PState 2 (2.max). Pcie Speed=8000, x16
ClkM = 6801.00 MHz
ClkHost = 1380.00 MHz
ClkDisp = 1330.00 MHz
ClkGpc = 1935.00 MHz
ClkXbar = 1845.00 MHz
ClkSys = 1950.00 MHz
ClkHub = 810.00 MHz
ClkPwr = 540.00 MHz
ClkNvd = 1785.00 MHz
ClkPexGen = 3.00
NVVDD = 1043 mV
Exit 000000000000 : SetPState (test 0) ok
Enter BaseBoostClockTest (test 275)
Found board name PG161-0026
WARNING: RTP power policy is not supported in the VBIOS on GPU 0
Could not open/detect USB temperature sensor.
Disabling reads from the sensor, defaulting ambient temperature to 30C, and continuing.
Starting Preheat GPU=0, setting max power limit TGP=150 W, RTP=0 W, AcousticTC = 90 C
Heating GPU=0 at 19:26:18 from 60 C to 67 C, for up to 90 sec.
MonitorTemp GPU=0 Tj=68 over temp limit of 67 at 1 s
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 68 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
Preheat done GPU=0 Tj=68 Tach=1123, 1459 P=149 V=1.037 G=1905.0
TDP BaseClockTest starting GPU=0, RTP power=0 W, compensated AcousticTC temperature = 83 C, TGP limit = 125 W
Heating GPU=0 at 19:26:20 at 62 C for 30 sec.
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 60 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 62 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 60 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 60 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 201 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 133 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 134 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 60 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 129 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 134 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 134 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
BaseClock done GPU=0 Tj=60 Tach=1857.5333333333333, 1531.2 P=69 V=0.768 G=1530.0
TDP BoostClockTest starting GPU=0, RTP = 0 W, compensated AcousticTC = 83 C, TGP limit = 125 W
Heating GPU=0 at 19:26:51 at 58 C for 30 sec.
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 169999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1167999 is greater than max: 0!
BoostClock done GPU=0 Tj=64 Tach=1502.0666666666666, 1516 P=95 V=0.925 G=1815.0
Exit 000000000000 : BaseBoostClockTest (test 275) ok
Enter SetPState (test 0)
Switched to PState 2 (2.intersect.nvvdd). Pcie Speed=8000, x16
ClkM = 6801.00 MHz
ClkHost = 960.00 MHz
ClkDisp = 1080.00 MHz
ClkGpc = 1110.00 MHz
ClkXbar = 1065.00 MHz
ClkSys = 1110.00 MHz
ClkHub = 648.00 MHz
ClkPwr = 540.00 MHz
ClkNvd = 1020.00 MHz
ClkPexGen = 3.00
NVVDD = 625 mV
Exit 000000000000 : SetPState (test 0) ok
Enter BaseBoostClockTest (test 275)
Found board name PG161-0026
WARNING: RTP power policy is not supported in the VBIOS on GPU 0
Could not open/detect USB temperature sensor.
Disabling reads from the sensor, defaulting ambient temperature to 30C, and continuing.
Starting Preheat GPU=0, setting max power limit TGP=150 W, RTP=0 W, AcousticTC = 90 C
Heating GPU=0 at 19:27:22 from 60 C to 67 C, for up to 90 sec.
MonitorTemp GPU=0 Tj=69 over temp limit of 67 at 1 s
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 67 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
Preheat done GPU=0 Tj=69 Tach=1128, 1505 P=149 V=1.050 G=1890.0
TDP BaseClockTest starting GPU=0, RTP power=0 W, compensated AcousticTC temperature = 83 C, TGP limit = 125 W
Heating GPU=0 at 19:27:25 at 63 C for 30 sec.
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 193 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 194 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 194 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 121 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 2999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 121 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 134 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 194 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 121 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 261 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 60 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 133 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 2999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
BaseClock done GPU=0 Tj=61 Tach=1857.6666666666667, 1587.4666666666667 P=72 V=0.768 G=1530.0
TDP BoostClockTest starting GPU=0, RTP = 0 W, compensated AcousticTC = 83 C, TGP limit = 125 W
Heating GPU=0 at 19:27:56 at 59 C for 30 sec.
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 130 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 546 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 151999 is greater than max: 1000!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 2 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 382999 is greater than max: 1000!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 546 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 112999 is greater than max: 1000!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 197999 is greater than max: 1000!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 192999 is greater than max: 1000!
BoostClock done GPU=0 Tj=64 Tach=1548.8666666666666, 1566 P=92 V=0.925 G=1815.0
Exit 000000000000 : BaseBoostClockTest (test 275) ok
Enter SetPState (test 0)
Switched to PState 3 (3.max). Pcie Speed=8000, x16
ClkM = 5000.98 MHz
ClkHost = 1380.00 MHz
ClkDisp = 1330.00 MHz
ClkGpc = 1935.00 MHz
ClkXbar = 1845.00 MHz
ClkSys = 1950.00 MHz
ClkHub = 810.00 MHz
ClkPwr = 540.00 MHz
ClkNvd = 1785.00 MHz
ClkPexGen = 3.00
NVVDD = 1050 mV
Exit 000000000000 : SetPState (test 0) ok
Enter BaseBoostClockTest (test 275)
Found board name PG161-0026
WARNING: RTP power policy is not supported in the VBIOS on GPU 0
Could not open/detect USB temperature sensor.
Disabling reads from the sensor, defaulting ambient temperature to 30C, and continuing.
Starting Preheat GPU=0, setting max power limit TGP=150 W, RTP=0 W, AcousticTC = 90 C
Heating GPU=0 at 19:28:27 from 61 C to 67 C, for up to 90 sec.
MonitorTemp GPU=0 Tj=70 over temp limit of 67 at 1 s
Preheat done GPU=0 Tj=70 Tach=1142, 1560 P=150 V=1.025 G=1890.0
TDP BaseClockTest starting GPU=0, RTP power=0 W, compensated AcousticTC temperature = 83 C, TGP limit = 125 W
Heating GPU=0 at 19:28:30 at 63 C for 30 sec.
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 95 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 134 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 194 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 134 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 141 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 134 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 202 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 69 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 201 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 134 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 121 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 134 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 135 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
BaseClock done GPU=0 Tj=61 Tach=1857.4666666666667, 1602.4 P=67 V=0.768 G=1530.0
TDP BoostClockTest starting GPU=0, RTP = 0 W, compensated AcousticTC = 83 C, TGP limit = 125 W
Heating GPU=0 at 19:29:01 at 59 C for 30 sec.
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 51999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 505999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 127 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 122999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 3999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 124 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 332999 is greater than max: 0!
BoostClock done GPU=0 Tj=64 Tach=1562.4, 1579.6666666666667 P=94 V=0.931 G=1815.0
Exit 000000000000 : BaseBoostClockTest (test 275) ok
Enter SetPState (test 0)
Switched to PState 3 (3.intersect.nvvdd). Pcie Speed=8000, x16
ClkM = 5000.98 MHz
ClkHost = 885.00 MHz
ClkDisp = 945.00 MHz
ClkGpc = 1020.00 MHz
ClkXbar = 975.00 MHz
ClkSys = 1020.00 MHz
ClkHub = 540.00 MHz
ClkPwr = 540.00 MHz
ClkNvd = 945.00 MHz
ClkPexGen = 3.00
NVVDD = 606 mV
Exit 000000000000 : SetPState (test 0) ok
Enter BaseBoostClockTest (test 275)
Found board name PG161-0026
WARNING: RTP power policy is not supported in the VBIOS on GPU 0
Could not open/detect USB temperature sensor.
Disabling reads from the sensor, defaulting ambient temperature to 30C, and continuing.
Starting Preheat GPU=0, setting max power limit TGP=150 W, RTP=0 W, AcousticTC = 90 C
Heating GPU=0 at 19:29:32 from 60 C to 67 C, for up to 90 sec.
MonitorTemp GPU=0 Tj=70 over temp limit of 67 at 1 s
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 126 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2816, N=256, K=8192, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
Preheat done GPU=0 Tj=70 Tach=1161, 1570 P=148 V=1.006 G=1890.0
TDP BaseClockTest starting GPU=0, RTP power=0 W, compensated AcousticTC temperature = 83 C, TGP limit = 125 W
Heating GPU=0 at 19:29:35 at 63 C for 30 sec.
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 121 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 74 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 121 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 133 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 76 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 262 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 133 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 194 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 68 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 60 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 128 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 60 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 136 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 121 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 134 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
BaseClock done GPU=0 Tj=62 Tach=1857.8666666666666, 1610.9333333333334 P=68 V=0.768 G=1530.0
TDP BoostClockTest starting GPU=0, RTP = 0 W, compensated AcousticTC = 83 C, TGP limit = 125 W
Heating GPU=0 at 19:30:06 at 59 C for 30 sec.
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 20999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 546 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 105999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 130 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 483999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 109999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 546 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 46999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 28999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 224999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 35999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 42999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 40999 is greater than max: 0!
BoostClock done GPU=0 Tj=64 Tach=1569.8666666666666, 1587.8 P=86 V=0.931 G=1815.0
Exit 000000000000 : BaseBoostClockTest (test 275) ok
Enter SetPState (test 0)
Switched to PState 5 (5.max). Pcie Speed=5000, x16
ClkM = 810.00 MHz
ClkHost = 1350.00 MHz
ClkDisp = 1330.00 MHz
ClkGpc = 1920.00 MHz
ClkXbar = 1830.00 MHz
ClkSys = 1935.00 MHz
ClkHub = 324.00 MHz
ClkPwr = 540.00 MHz
ClkNvd = 1785.00 MHz
ClkPexGen = 2.00
NVVDD = 1031 mV
Exit 000000000000 : SetPState (test 0) ok
Enter BaseBoostClockTest (test 275)
Found board name PG161-0026
WARNING: RTP power policy is not supported in the VBIOS on GPU 0
Could not open/detect USB temperature sensor.
Disabling reads from the sensor, defaulting ambient temperature to 30C, and continuing.
Starting Preheat GPU=0, setting max power limit TGP=150 W, RTP=0 W, AcousticTC = 90 C
Heating GPU=0 at 19:30:37 from 60 C to 67 C, for up to 90 sec.
MonitorTemp GPU=0 Tj=70 over temp limit of 67 at 1 s
Preheat done GPU=0 Tj=70 Tach=1152, 1579 P=153 V=1.025 G=1905.0
TDP BaseClockTest starting GPU=0, RTP power=0 W, compensated AcousticTC temperature = 83 C, TGP limit = 125 W
Heating GPU=0 at 19:30:39 at 63 C for 30 sec.
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 74 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 134 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 134 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 119 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 135 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 62 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 136 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 131 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 68 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 193 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
BaseClock done GPU=0 Tj=62 Tach=1857.8666666666666, 1590.0666666666666 P=72 V=0.768 G=1530.0
TDP BoostClockTest starting GPU=0, RTP = 0 W, compensated AcousticTC = 83 C, TGP limit = 125 W
Heating GPU=0 at 19:31:11 at 59 C for 30 sec.
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 546 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 121999 is greater than max: 1000!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 546 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 97999 is greater than max: 1000!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 50999 is greater than max: 1000!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 392999 is greater than max: 1000!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 71999 is greater than max: 1000!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 380999 is greater than max: 1000!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 546 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 64999 is greater than max: 1000!
BoostClock done GPU=0 Tj=64 Tach=1555.6666666666667, 1571.0666666666666 P=86 V=0.931 G=1815.0
Exit 000000000000 : BaseBoostClockTest (test 275) ok
Enter SetPState (test 0)
Switched to PState 5 (5.intersect.nvvdd). Pcie Speed=5000, x16
ClkM = 810.00 MHz
ClkHost = 885.00 MHz
ClkDisp = 945.00 MHz
ClkGpc = 1020.00 MHz
ClkXbar = 975.00 MHz
ClkSys = 1020.00 MHz
ClkHub = 324.00 MHz
ClkPwr = 540.00 MHz
ClkNvd = 945.00 MHz
ClkPexGen = 2.00
NVVDD = 606 mV
Exit 000000000000 : SetPState (test 0) ok
Enter BaseBoostClockTest (test 275)
Found board name PG161-0026
WARNING: RTP power policy is not supported in the VBIOS on GPU 0
Could not open/detect USB temperature sensor.
Disabling reads from the sensor, defaulting ambient temperature to 30C, and continuing.
Starting Preheat GPU=0, setting max power limit TGP=150 W, RTP=0 W, AcousticTC = 90 C
Heating GPU=0 at 19:31:42 from 60 C to 67 C, for up to 90 sec.
MonitorTemp GPU=0 Tj=70 over temp limit of 67 at 1 s
Preheat done GPU=0 Tj=70 Tach=1163, 1570 P=150 V=1.025 G=1875.0
TDP BaseClockTest starting GPU=0, RTP power=0 W, compensated AcousticTC temperature = 83 C, TGP limit = 125 W
Heating GPU=0 at 19:31:45 at 63 C for 30 sec.
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 62 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 135 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 68 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 133 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 74 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 74 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 2999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
BaseClock done GPU=0 Tj=62 Tach=1858.4, 1612.2666666666667 P=73 V=0.768 G=1530.0
TDP BoostClockTest starting GPU=0, RTP = 0 W, compensated AcousticTC = 83 C, TGP limit = 125 W
Heating GPU=0 at 19:32:16 at 60 C for 30 sec.
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 3999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 245999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 499999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 546 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 34999 is greater than max: 0!
BoostClock done GPU=0 Tj=64 Tach=1578, 1593.2666666666667 P=90 V=0.931 G=1815.0
Exit 000000000000 : BaseBoostClockTest (test 275) ok
Enter SetPState (test 0)
Switched to PState 8 (8.max). Pcie Speed=2500, x16
ClkM = 405.00 MHz
ClkHost = 555.00 MHz
ClkDisp = 1080.00 MHz
ClkGpc = 645.00 MHz
ClkXbar = 600.00 MHz
ClkSys = 630.00 MHz
ClkHub = 147.27 MHz
ClkPwr = 540.00 MHz
ClkNvd = 585.00 MHz
ClkPexGen = 1.00
NVVDD = 625 mV
Exit 000000000000 : SetPState (test 0) ok
Enter BaseBoostClockTest (test 275)
Found board name PG161-0026
WARNING: RTP power policy is not supported in the VBIOS on GPU 0
Could not open/detect USB temperature sensor.
Disabling reads from the sensor, defaulting ambient temperature to 30C, and continuing.
Starting Preheat GPU=0, setting max power limit TGP=150 W, RTP=0 W, AcousticTC = 90 C
Heating GPU=0 at 19:32:47 from 60 C to 67 C, for up to 90 sec.
MonitorTemp GPU=0 Tj=70 over temp limit of 67 at 1 s
Preheat done GPU=0 Tj=70 Tach=1149, 1585 P=149 V=1.018 G=1890.0
TDP BaseClockTest starting GPU=0, RTP power=0 W, compensated AcousticTC temperature = 83 C, TGP limit = 125 W
Heating GPU=0 at 19:32:50 at 64 C for 30 sec.
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 67 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 111 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 128 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 134 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 186 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 134 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 269 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 134 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 134 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 134 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
BaseClock done GPU=0 Tj=62 Tach=1858.2666666666667, 1641.0666666666666 P=67 V=0.768 G=1530.0
TDP BoostClockTest starting GPU=0, RTP = 0 W, compensated AcousticTC = 83 C, TGP limit = 125 W
Heating GPU=0 at 19:33:21 at 60 C for 30 sec.
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 375999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 60999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 352999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 48999 is greater than max: 0!
BoostClock done GPU=0 Tj=65 Tach=1601.8, 1619.6666666666667 P=93 V=0.931 G=1815.0
Exit 000000000000 : BaseBoostClockTest (test 275) ok
Enter SetPState (test 0)
Switched to PState 8 (8.intersect.nvvdd). Pcie Speed=2500, x16
ClkM = 405.00 MHz
ClkHost = 555.00 MHz
ClkDisp = 945.00 MHz
ClkGpc = 645.00 MHz
ClkXbar = 600.00 MHz
ClkSys = 630.00 MHz
ClkHub = 147.27 MHz
ClkPwr = 540.00 MHz
ClkNvd = 585.00 MHz
ClkPexGen = 1.00
NVVDD = 606 mV
Exit 000000000000 : SetPState (test 0) ok
Enter BaseBoostClockTest (test 275)
Found board name PG161-0026
WARNING: RTP power policy is not supported in the VBIOS on GPU 0
Could not open/detect USB temperature sensor.
Disabling reads from the sensor, defaulting ambient temperature to 30C, and continuing.
Starting Preheat GPU=0, setting max power limit TGP=150 W, RTP=0 W, AcousticTC = 90 C
Heating GPU=0 at 19:33:51 from 60 C to 67 C, for up to 90 sec.
MonitorTemp GPU=0 Tj=70 over temp limit of 67 at 1 s
Preheat done GPU=0 Tj=70 Tach=1166, 1613 P=149 V=1.025 G=1890.0
TDP BaseClockTest starting GPU=0, RTP power=0 W, compensated AcousticTC temperature = 83 C, TGP limit = 125 W
Heating GPU=0 at 19:33:54 at 64 C for 30 sec.
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 134 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 2999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 73 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 6999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 61 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=7168, N=256, K=1024, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 1999 is greater than max: 0!
BaseClock done GPU=0 Tj=63 Tach=1857.4666666666667, 1650 P=74 V=0.768 G=1530.0
TDP BoostClockTest starting GPU=0, RTP = 0 W, compensated AcousticTC = 83 C, TGP limit = 125 W
Heating GPU=0 at 19:34:25 at 60 C for 30 sec.
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 256 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 753999 is greater than max: 0!
ERROR: CudaLinpack found 1 miscompare(s)
ERROR: CudaLinpack miscompared with M=2048, N=256, K=24, Loop=999
WARNING: Current progress iteration 433999 is greater than max: 0!
BoostClock done GPU=0 Tj=65 Tach=1617.3333333333333, 1631.4 P=94 V=0.931 G=1815.0
Exit 000000000000 : BaseBoostClockTest (test 275) ok
GPU tests completed.

Error Code = 000000000000 (ok)

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MODS end : Fri Jan 6 19:34:56 2023 [723.694 seconds (00:12:03.694 h:m:s)]

mats version 400.281. Testing TU116 with 20 MB of memory starting with 0 MB.

Read Error Count: 0
Write Error Count: 0
Unknown Error Count: 0

------- ----------- ------------ ------------
FBIOA0 0 0 0
FBIOA1 0 0 0
FBIOB0 0 0 0
FBIOB1 0 0 0
FBIOC0 0 0 0
FBIOC1 0 0 0

Failing Bits:

Error Code = 00000000 (OK)

####### #### ###### ######
######## ###### ######## ########
## ## ## ## ## # ## #
## ## ## ## ### ###
######## ######## #### ####
####### ######## ### ###
## ## ## # ## # ##
## ## ## ######## ########
## ## ## ###### ######

Ошибок не обнаружил ни тот не другой, как я понимаю.
И артефакты пропали. Может спирт испарился?
Но в тесте ОССТ ошибки как были, так и остались... Есть ли смысл доверять ОССТ?

Завтра отреболлим хотя бы GPU...

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1. Пожалуйста авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйтесь.
2. Вы должны иметь 15 (ПЯТНАДЦАТЬ) или более сообщений.
3. У нас можно купить доступ к файлам.

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: ASUS TUF GTX 1660S зависает изображение.
СообщениеДобавлено: 06 янв 2023, 21:22 
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Продвинутый форумчанин
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Зарегистрирован: 12 апр 2016, 16:20
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 925
Откуда: Таганрог
По MATS норма, пробуйте снова с 20 mb увеличить, тестируемую память до 64/128/256.

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: ASUS TUF GTX 1660S зависает изображение.
СообщениеДобавлено: 23 дек 2023, 22:04 
Я тут случайно
Я тут случайно
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Зарегистрирован: 26 дек 2022, 07:22
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 15
Откуда: Тюмень
YunicheK писал(а):
Было подобное на карте со сколотым чипом, так что осматривайте внимательно с увеличительными приборами.

Луше поздно, чем никогда...) Действительно, на чипе был обнаружен мелкий, еле заметный скол, если смотреть со стороны PCI разъёма, то в верхнем, левом углу чипа...

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Эта тема закрыта, вы не можете редактировать и оставлять сообщения в ней. Куплю нерабочую GTX 1660/1660s/1660ti

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22 фев 2021, 03:50

PhotoworX Перейти к последнему сообщению

В этой теме нет новых непрочитанных сообщений. Приживление gpu gtx 1660s на плату rtx 2070.

в форуме Ремонт десктопных видеокарт | Desktop video card repair




07 фев 2022, 19:40

Roslavl67 Перейти к последнему сообщению

В этой теме нет новых непрочитанных сообщений. GTX 1660s 6GB Поднимаются напряжения 1в и 1,8в и падают.

в форуме Ремонт десктопных видеокарт | Desktop video card repair




08 дек 2023, 12:35

M_Enzo Перейти к последнему сообщению

Эта тема закрыта, вы не можете редактировать и оставлять сообщения в ней. Куплю ASUS TUF Gaming X3 Radeon RX 5600 XT EVO (TUF 3-RX5600XT-O6G-EVO-Gaming)

в форуме Куплю | Buy




09 апр 2024, 02:44

ArtKi Перейти к последнему сообщению

Эта тема закрыта, вы не можете редактировать и оставлять сообщения в ней. Проверка чипа 1660S

в форуме Ремонт десктопных видеокарт | Desktop video card repair




20 дек 2021, 03:54

CatSW Перейти к последнему сообщению

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