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 Заголовок сообщения: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 31 дек 2020, 13:00 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 16 окт 2016, 15:57
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 2464
Откуда: Украина, Киев
Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения, включается, подсветка есть, черный экран, звука нет, реагирует только на кнопку включения и выключения.
Подскажите что может быть, матрица, майн, флешь или прошивка?
Можно ли прошить в таком состоянии через юсб?
---------- Добавлено спустя 1 час 33 минуты 45 секунд: ----------
Вскрыл, матрица AUO надпись на правой планке - 55T32-SOS XR BD, на ней еще есть SPI флешка MX 25L4006E
При отключении шлейфов поочередно на матрицу, половина экрана белая, а вторая как и было - черная.

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 31 дек 2020, 14:49 
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 16 ноя 2020, 11:24
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 55
Откуда: Oslo
маркиркировка майна какая и основной состав

"Жизнь – нелегкое занятие, а труднее всего первые сто лет" Уилсон Мизнер
Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 31 дек 2020, 19:31 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 16 окт 2016, 15:57
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 2464
Откуда: Украина, Киев
Майн: RSAG7.820.7918/ROH
EI0315 UA I
БП: RSAG7.820.7748/ROH
223385 HLL-4360WI

У вас нет доступа для просмотра вложений:
1. Пожалуйста авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйтесь.
2. Вы должны иметь 15 (ПЯТНАДЦАТЬ) или более сообщений.
3. У нас можно купить доступ к файлам.

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 31 дек 2020, 19:40 
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 16 ноя 2020, 11:24
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 55
Откуда: Oslo
Проверьте осцилом линии lvds
если нет шевеления, то сперва пробуйте прошить флэшь

"Жизнь – нелегкое занятие, а труднее всего первые сто лет" Уилсон Мизнер
Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 15 янв 2021, 01:10 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 16 окт 2016, 15:57
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 2464
Откуда: Украина, Киев
на линиях lvds ничего нет
матрица HD550S1U51-T0/S2/GM/ROH, напряжения на матрицу все есть.
не пойму зачем на планках матрицы стоит флешка SPI ? может ее нужно прошить?

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 17 янв 2021, 14:10 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 16 окт 2016, 15:57
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 2464
Откуда: Украина, Киев
На отключенном от всего майне, на разъемах матрицы X13 в КЗ 24 контакт XDP2, а на X14 в КЗ 37 контакт XDP2
по схеме не нашел куда они идут, R881 впаян 0 Ом вместо 4.7кОм
---------- Добавлено спустя 37 минут 47 секунд: ----------
Подпаялся к сервисному разъему TxD RxD, посмотреть лог загрузки, пишет какие то иероглифы
---------- Добавлено спустя 1 час 8 минут 52 секунды: ----------
Память eMMC Samsung KLM4G1FEPD-B031
Проц: MSD6586PGET-8-009R

У вас нет доступа для просмотра вложений:
1. Пожалуйста авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйтесь.
2. Вы должны иметь 15 (ПЯТНАДЦАТЬ) или более сообщений.
3. У нас можно купить доступ к файлам.

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 18 янв 2021, 03:00 
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 13 дек 2020, 14:08
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 222
Откуда: Макеевка
Скорость 115200, и параметры на скрине(для pitty)
Spi на матрице не трогай, в ней параметры для ткона, что бы он понимал какое стекло подключено

Тут ткон интегрирован на Майн, ДС и гамма в районе разъёмов шлейфов, обратить внимание на танталы вокруг них. Vgh vgl???

Китайские майны часто ставят в разные ТВ, и состав может отличаться, если у резистора пайка заводская, то скорее это страп под конкретное стекло

Прошить, да можно, (перед прошивкой лучше всего снять еммс, сделать дамп, и посмотреть состояние самой емммишки) скачиваем, распаковываем прошивку на флешку, в ТВ, зажимаем повер держим и в розетку, изо может и не быть, смотреть на индикатор, будет мигать, ждать, пока не выключиться в стендбай. Прошивка - обновление - есть в гуглпоиске( -
Для обновления программного обеспечения телевизора выполните, пожалуйста, следующие действия:

1. Подготовьте пустой USB-накопитель (флешка);
2. Отформатируйте USB-накопитель на компьютере в файловой системе FAT32 (при форматировании все данный с накопителя будут удалены);
3. Разархивируйте скачанный файл в память компьютера;

Внимание: скачанный файл – это тройной архив, то есть файл необходимо разархивировать, разархивированный файл разархивировать еще раз, в результате у Вас должен получиться файл с расширением .pkg;

4. Скопируйте файл на подготовленный USB-накопитель;
5. Выключите телевизор;
6. Отключите от телевизора кабель питания;
7. Подключите USB-накопитель с программным обеспечением в любой свободный USB-разъем, кроме разъема USB 3.0;
8. Подключите кабель питания к телевизору;
9. Включите телевизор удержанием кнопки включения на пульте управления (кнопку включения на пульте необходимо удерживать до появления процесса обновления на экране);
10. Дождитесь окончания процесса обновления.

У вас нет доступа для просмотра вложений:
1. Пожалуйста авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйтесь.
2. Вы должны иметь 15 (ПЯТНАДЦАТЬ) или более сообщений.
3. У нас можно купить доступ к файлам.

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 18 янв 2021, 21:31 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 16 окт 2016, 15:57
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 2464
Откуда: Украина, Киев
За скорость порта не подумал, спасибо!
Вот лог при включении в розетку:

Relocation Offset is: 01600000
[AT][MB][start ub][515]

U-Boot 2011.06-00209-g1074861-dirty (Oct 07 2018 - 07:53:16)

[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1060, current resource pri_shm content is: 0
[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1079, [SYS INFO] OPEN INSTANCE...
create instance at 2166DFD8 with private size 128 bytes at 2166E020
[MIU INFO] miu opencreate instance at 2166E0A8 with private size 80 bytes at 216 6E0F0
create instance at 2166E148 with private size 48 bytes at 2166E190
No MMC device available
uboot held at [212DDF60~22E00000], size=01B220A0
DRAM: 46 MiB
Run in RAM - U-Boot at: 22300000

eMMC: HS400 200MHz
eMMC 3.63 GB [747FF8h]
eMMC SLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC MLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC pre_eol_info normal
MPOOL size : 0xA00000
u32EnvRescueOffset = 0x974000
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: No ethernet found.
Set MAC default
MAC: 0xA8: 0x82: 0x0: 0xFF:0xFF: 0xFF
mbootflag = 0x0, sboot_verify_flag = 0x0
[CPU INFO] cpu opencreate instance at 216B0270 with private size 44 bytes at 216 B02B8
[CPU][Utopia]: CPUIoctl - MDrv_CMD_CPU_QueryClock
[UTOPIA INFO] close moduleNames[tu]: 0"▒0"▒0" 0"`0"▒0"xV4

[AT][MBoot][Driver Init][736]
[Wakeup] Source: NONE
AC on
MPOOL size : 0xA00000

Changelist: 1046836
============= set bootargs ===============
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
AC on
[IR] Key: 0xFF, repeatflag: 0x48
[KeyPad] Key: 0xFF
[BootCheck] BootMode: 1
AC on
[MB][standby] Reboot Flag []
[MB][standby] mode = secondary
mmc change mount : tvconfig
eMMC SLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC MLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC pre_eol_info normal
Loading file "/config/PM.bin" at offset 0x0 from mmc device 0 partition tvconfig
24575 bytes read
Wait for PM51 standby...........PM51 run ok...........
[HI]=============== Enter Standby Mode =============== (1)[HI]

Вот после нажатия на кнопку включения:
Relocation Offset is: 01600000
[AT][MB][start ub][500]

U-Boot 2011.06-00209-g1074861-dirty (Oct 07 2018 - 07:53:16)

[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1060, current resource pri_shm content is: 0
[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1079, [SYS INFO] OPEN INSTANCE...
create instance at 2166DFD8 with private size 128 bytes at 2166E020
[MIU INFO] miu opencreate instance at 2166E0A8 with private size 80 bytes at 2166E0F0
create instance at 2166E148 with private size 48 bytes at 2166E190
No MMC device available
uboot held at [212DDF60~22E00000], size=01B220A0
DRAM: 46 MiB
Run in RAM - U-Boot at: 22300000

eMMC: HS400 200MHz
eMMC 3.63 GB [747FF8h]
eMMC SLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC MLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC pre_eol_info normal
MPOOL size : 0xA00000
u32EnvRescueOffset = 0x974000
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: No ethernet found.
Set MAC default
MAC: 0xA8: 0x82: 0x0: 0xFF:0xFF: 0xFF
mbootflag = 0x0, sboot_verify_flag = 0x0
[CPU INFO] cpu opencreate instance at 216B0270 with private size 44 bytes at 216B02B8
[CPU][Utopia]: CPUIoctl - MDrv_CMD_CPU_QueryClock
[UTOPIA INFO] close moduleNames[tu]: 0"▒0"▒0" 0"`0"▒0"xV4

[AT][MBoot][Driver Init][721]
[Wakeup] Source: SAR
DC on !!
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
MPOOL size : 0xA00000

Changelist: 1046836
============= set bootargs ===============
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
DC on !!
[IR] Key: 0xFF, repeatflag: 0x48
[KeyPad] Key: 0xFF
[BootCheck] BootMode: 1
DC on !!
create instance at 2169F0F0 with private size 348 bytes at 2169F138
[ERROR] MsDrv_PNL_Init:867: VB1 Link Type NA !!!!

MsDrv_PNL_Init:Bypass SetDivison
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PnlRiuBaseAddr = tx
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PMRiuBaseAddr = tx
LINK TYPE = EXT [_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][351]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=3840, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=2160
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][353]u16HTotal=4400,u16VTotal=2250,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=4400,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=2250, u16DefaultVFreq=600
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][403]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=3840, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=2160
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][405]u16HTotal=4400,u16VTotal=2250,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=4400,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=2250, u16DefaultVFreq=600
[MApi_XC_MLG_GetStatus, 2707]No instance existed, please get an instance by calling MApi_XC_Init() first
Init PWM2[panel_dinit] swing level set by tcon bin
No env pre_emphasis_val.

[AT][MB][bootlogo begin][1167]
create instance at 216B0670 with private size 312 bytes at 216B06B8
[AT][MB][JPD Decode][1265]

[UTOPIA INFO] close moduleNames[tu]: "`0"▒0"▒0" 0"`0"▒0"xV4

[showLogo] GOP Boot Logo Index 0
create instance at 216B0670 with private size 1728 bytes at 216B06B8
[GOP API][Utopia]:
[GOP INFO] gop opencreate instance at 216B0D80 with private size 9596 bytes at 216B0DC8
create instance at 216B3348 with private size 1876 bytes at 216B3390
[GOP API][Utopia]: [_GOP_RegisterAllCBFunc][5648] fpSetFBFmt is NULL.(If on STR state, this is a normal message)
[GOP API][Utopia]: [_GOP_RegisterAllCBFunc][5700] fpEventNotify is NULL.(If on STR state, this is a normal message)
[GOP API][Utopia]: [_GOP_RegisterAllCBFunc][5714] fpXCSetDwinInfo is NULL.(If on STR state, this is a normal message)
[MDrv_SC_Get_GOPOffset, 8352]No instance existed, please get an instance by calling MApi_XC_Init() first
[MDrv_SC_Get_GOPOffset, 8352]No instance existed, please get an instance by calling MApi_XC_Init() first
[GOPIoctl][10469]GOP 3 is out of range
<<set_mirror H ON!!>>
[MDrv_SC_Get_GOPOffset, 8352]No instance existed, please get an instance by calling MApi_XC_Init() first
[MDrv_SC_Get_GOPOffset, 8352]No instance existed, please get an instance by calling MApi_XC_Init() first
[MDrv_SC_Get_GOPOffset, 8352]No instance existed, please get an instance by calling MApi_XC_Init() first
[MDrv_SC_Get_GOPOffset, 8352]No instance existed, please get an instance by calling MApi_XC_Init() first
[MDrv_SC_Get_GOPOffset, 8352]No instance existed, please get an instance by calling MApi_XC_Init() first
[AT][MB][Show Logo][1426]
Wait for PM51 standby DRAM ...........PM51 run ok...........RFS size : 0x1400000
RFS size : 0x1400000
RFS size : 0x1400000
get OTA FLAG 0x00
tvservice size : 0x12C00000
tvservice size : 0x12C00000
tvservice size : 0x12C00000
tvservice size : 0x12C00000
tvservice size : 0x12C00000
R2 Boot from 0x3DF00000
[CPU INFO] cpu opencreate instance at 216B3B40 with private size 44 bytes at 216B3B88
E_MBX_CLASS_PM_WAIT - MBX register msg error
[BL][RTPM] open BL at mboot
[Wakeup] Source: SAR
DC on !!
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
[AT][MBoot][Boot Nuttx][2307]
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 20400000 ...
Image Name: Linux-3.10.40
Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)
Data Size: 3267696 Bytes = 3.1 MiB
Load Address: 20208000
Entry Point: 20208000
Loading Kernel Image ... OK
[AT][MB][start kr][2340]

Starting kernel ...

Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.
SAR5=ON[AT][KR][reset timer][2779]
mtdoops: mtd device (mtddev=name/number) must be supplied
[AT][KR][start init][3122]
[AutoTest][Kernel][start Initprocess][3122]
starting pid 513, tty '': '/etc/init.d/rcS'
ln: block: Read-only file system
starting pid 748, tty '/dev/ttyS0': '-/bin/sh'
gen utopia dev...
gen ir dev...
chmod: /dev/fd: Operation not permitted
mount tvservice & tvconfig partition
mount hisense partition
mount: mounting /dev/mmcblk0p18 on /hidata/critical failed: Device or resource busy
mount: mounting /dev/mmcblk0p19 on /hidata/model failed: Device or resource busy
will restore sound volume to 0022
insert driver..
load wifi driver MT7668STA
sh config...
run setup.sh
insmod: can't insert '/tvservice/modules/wlan_mt76x8_usb.ko': unknown symbol in module or invalid parameter
start hisense stage 1 ...
/etc/setup.sh: line 28: ./secure_daemon: not found
[BIGBANG]: Force To Monitor PID Mode.
[BIGBANG]: ParsingCapInfo is done
[BIGBANG]: Total specified argv 6
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 902
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succeed, pid = 902
[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /apm
[BIGBANG]: Launching /apm/appmgr
[CAP]: set gid, [2900], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [2900], ret = [0]
unknown command /apm/appmgr
unknown command /apm/app.cfg
[MNGR]: AppManagerService created
[LIST]: ------------------------------- Total pre-defined auto start application count: 10
[LIST]: Loading application definition "demo_apm"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "MiSysSrv"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "upgradeprogress"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "ota_upgrade"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "boot_animation"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "SystemService"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "NetworkService"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "MiMwIpcSrv"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "syslogviewer"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "tvmain"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "apm_bond"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "dfb_keyevent_demo"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "CommonUI"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "ACR_Monitor"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "DIAL"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "SN"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "tvos"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Jarves"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Macula"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Netflix_Splash"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Netflix"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Netflix_Daemon"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "MstarLauncher"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "MWBLauncherMemoryMonitor"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "CinemaNow_US_HTML"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Vudu"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Pandora_HTML5"
[LIST]: unspecified app type, fall back to APP mode.
[LIST]: unspecified app type, fall back to NATIVE mode.
[LIST]: Loading application definition "SrafBrowserEngine"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf_Mediator"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf TvPortal"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf OpenBrowser"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf Youtube"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf Catal"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf iPlayer"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf News"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf Sport"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf STV Player"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf 4OD Player"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf 4OD H"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf iTV Harness"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf iTV Player"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf OD5 Player"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf FLINGO"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "OpenBrowser"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "YTTV"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "TOONGOGGLES"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "FLINGO_EULA"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "HOTLIST"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "AMAZON"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "MEDIAMARKT"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "CATAL"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "iPlayer"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "BBCSports"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "BBCNews"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Facebook_widget"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Twitter_widget"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Picasa_widget"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "AccuWeather_widget"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Flickr_widget"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Googlemap_widget"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "TerraTV_widget"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "GamePlayer"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "TTSPlayer"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "CheckTag"
[LIST]: unspecified app type, fall back to APP mode.
[LIST]: unspecified app type, fall back to NATIVE mode.
[LIST]: Loading application definition "AVPK"
[LIST]: ------------------------------- Total pre-defined application : 65
[MNGR]: Cannot find Android!
[MNGR]: Cannot find Android.Widget!
[MNGR]: AutoStarter thread created.
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(upgradeprogress, pid=902)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(upgradeprogress).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 204 bytes. Raw: (---name upgradeprogress ---path /apm/app_wrapper ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---argv /etc/upgradeprogress ---envv TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/upgradeprogress/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/upgradeprogress/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 15 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified argv 1
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1012
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1012

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /apm
[BIGBANG]: Launching /apm/app_wrapper
[CAP]: set gid, [60021], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60021], ret = [0]
App: /etc/upgradeprogress launched
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1012, client 0x15fbb30)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1012, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(upgradeprogress).
[MNGR]: auto_start_delay 1 sec
[MNGR]: removeClient()
[[WARNNING]]: Find this client in clientlist
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(MiSysSrv, pid=902)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(MiSysSrv).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 228 bytes. Raw: (---name MiSysSrv ---path /apm/app_wrapper ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---argv /applications/bin/MiSysSrv /usr/local/scripts/signal_mainready.sh ---envv TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/MiSysSrv/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/MiSysSrv/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 16 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified argv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1029
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1029

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /apm
[BIGBANG]: Launching /apm/app_wrapper
[CAP]: set gid, [60006], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60006], ret = [0]
App: /applications/bin/MiSysSrv launched
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1029, client 0xb6300718)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1029, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(MiSysSrv).
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(SystemService, pid=902)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(SystemService).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 194 bytes. Raw: (---name SystemService ---path /applications/SystemService/SystemService ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---envv TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/SystemService/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/SystemService/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 13 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1032
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1032

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /applications/SystemService
[BIGBANG]: Launching /applications/SystemService/SystemService
[CAP]: set gid, [60080], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60080], ret = [0]
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1032, client 0xb6300828)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1032, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(SystemService).
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(NetworkService, pid=902)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(NetworkService).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 199 bytes. Raw: (---name NetworkService ---path /applications/NetworkService/NetworkService ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---envv TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/NetworkService/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/NetworkService/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 13 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1038
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1038

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /applications/NetworkService
[BIGBANG]: Launching /applications/NetworkService/NetworkService
[CAP]: set gid, [60099], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60099], ret = [0]
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1038, client 0xb6300938)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1038, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(NetworkService).
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(syslogviewer, pid=902)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(syslogviewer).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 229 bytes. Raw: (---name syslogviewer ---path /apm/app_wrapper ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---argv /usr/local/bin/syslogviewer -v -n 4 -N 2 -r 16000 -b 2 ---envv TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/syslogviewer/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/syslogviewer/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 24 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified argv 10
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1041
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1041

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /apm
[BIGBANG]: Launching /apm/app_wrapper
[CAP]: set gid, [60012], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60012], ret = [0]
App: /usr/local/bin/syslogviewer launched
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1041, client 0xb6300aa0)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1041, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(syslogviewer).
[MNGR]: RequestToRun(apm_bond, pid=902)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(apm_bond).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 160 bytes. Raw: (---name apm_bond ---path /usr/local/bin/apmbond ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---envv TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/apm_bond/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/apm_bond/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 13 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1047
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1047

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /usr/local/bin
[BIGBANG]: Launching /usr/local/bin/apmbond
[CAP]: set gid, [60009], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60011], ret = [0]
can't open the file!

SyslogViewer V0.1 (c)2010 Loewe Opta GmbH
[MNGR]: removeClient()
[[WARNNING]]: Find this client in clientlist
iniparser: cannot open /config/ProjectRule.ini
iniparser: cannot open /config/MiuSelectRule.ini
iniparser: cannot open /config/MiuSelectRule.ini
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1047, client 0x15fc9b8)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1047, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(apm_bond).
[MNGR]: >>>> init dfb key event thread
[MNGR]: ==>[apm_bond][pid 1047]onGetFocus().(Please ask apm_bond owner to check if not see callback function Entering & Leaving)
[MSOS][Utopia]: [003393] ~!~mappd sharemem @
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000687] pthread_mutex_init
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000689] CHIP_InitISR
[utopia info] utopia init
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 444, SEM_Init is opened
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 446, SEM Register finished
[DFB] can not use MApi_GOP_GetChipCaps before DFB initialize
DFB library build @ 2017-12-29 14:41
utopia phy : 32 bits, unpacked

(*) [DFB] config name = default_layer_opacity, value =255
(*) [DFB] config name = quiet, value =(null)
DFB Note: mst_ir_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_keypad_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_ir_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_keypad_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
_MI_MMC_Config_Path open failed, it will open default path!
open fail!!!!
mmc read from 0x0 0x400[EnvParse][1087]Error!!!
@@@@@ pSystemini->n : 6
@@@@ SetExtDFBRcCfg
_MI_MMC_Config_Path open failed, it will open default path!
open fail!!!!
mmc read from 0x0 0x400[EnvParse][1087]Error!!!
@@@@@ pSystemini->n : 6
Error, panel name not found!
iniparser: cannot open /config/ProjectRule.ini
iniparser: cannot open /config/MiuSelectRule.ini
dfb_system_lookup:419, module name = devmem (with Msos)
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000566] [MsOS_Init] already inited!

*** Open Keypad Device: Enable, Input Interval: 10000
@@@: Enable KeyPad...
@@@@ SetKEYPADCfg
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000566] [MsOS_Init] already inited!
[keypad][parse_Keypad_Channel]Keypad_CH1:bEnable is 0, no need parse then!
[keypad][parse_Keypad_Channel]Keypad_CH2:bEnable is 0, no need parse then!
[keypad][parse_Keypad_Channel]Keypad_CH3:bEnable is 0, no need parse then!
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000566] [MsOS_Init] already inited!
[MIU INFO] miu open[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1060, current resource pri_shm content is: 0
[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1079, [SYS INFO] OPEN INSTANCE...
[SYS][Utopia]: MDrv_SYS_GlobalInit finishedMDrv_PNL_Init u32PnlRiuBaseAddr = aab20000
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PMRiuBaseAddr = aac00000
[XC,Version] 00709801
[GOP API][Utopia]:
[GOP INFO] gop open

[GOPIoctl][10486]GOP 3 is out of range
[GOP DRV][Utopia]:
[MDrv_GOP_GWIN_GetDstPlane] not support gop3 in this chip version!![_GetBnkOfstByGop][274] Out of GOP support!!! GOP=3
[GOP DRV][Utopia]: [GOP_GWIN_TriggerRegWriteIn][939] GOP not support this GOPType = 3
[DFB] SetGOPDst layer:0, GOP:0
[DFB] SetGOPDst layer:1, GOP:1
[DFB] SetGOPDst layer:2, GOP:2
[GOP DRV][Utopia]:
_GOPFBAddCheck GOP[0] address(0x13fd0000) select from 1 to 0
[MNGR]: Setup display layer w x h
[KEYD]: MKeyEventList initialized.
[KEYD]: AppMgr: dispatch key thread created.
[APMLIB]: [callback onGetFocus|line 240] is Entering.
[APMLIB]: [callback onGetFocus|line 244] is Leaving.
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(tvmain, pid=902)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(tvmain).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 181 bytes. Raw: (---name tvmain ---path /apm/app_wrapper ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---argv /usr/local/bin/tvmain -D ---envv TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/tvmain/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/tvmain/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 16 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified argv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1119
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1119

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /apm
[BIGBANG]: Launching /apm/app_wrapper
[BIGBANG]: setgroups ret[0]
[CAP]: set gid, [60009], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60009], ret = [0]
App: /usr/local/bin/tvmain launched
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1119, client 0x15fbb30)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1119, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(tvmain).
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(ota_upgrade, pid=902)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(ota_upgrade).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 198 bytes. Raw: (---name ota_upgrade ---path /apm/app_wrapper ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---argv /usr/local/bin/ota_upgrade ---envv TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/ota_upgrade/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/ota_upgrade/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 15 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified argv 1
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1127
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1127

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /apm
[BIGBANG]: Launching /apm/app_wrapper
[CAP]: set gid, [60021], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60021], ret = [0]
App: /usr/local/bin/ota_upgrade launched
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1127, client 0x15f8b68)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1127, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(ota_upgrade).
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(boot_animation, pid=902)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(boot_animation).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 210 bytes. Raw: (---name boot_animation ---path /apm/app_wrapper ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---argv /usr/local/bin/boot_animation ---envv TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/boot_animation/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/boot_animation/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 15 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified argv 1
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1134
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1134

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /apm
[BIGBANG]: Launching /apm/app_wrapper
[CAP]: set gid, [60009], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60009], ret = [0]
-u /opt/hisenseUI/html/hisenseUI/index.html
App: /usr/local/bin/boot_animation launched
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1134, client 0x15f8cc8)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1134, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(boot_animation).
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(TTSPlayer, pid=902)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(TTSPlayer).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 168 bytes. Raw: (---name TTSPlayer ---path /applications/TTS/TTSPlayer ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---envv TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/TTSPlayer/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/TTSPlayer/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 13 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1147
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1147

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /applications/TTS
[BIGBANG]: Launching /applications/TTS/TTSPlayer
[CAP]: set gid, [60070], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60070], ret = [0]
DFB library build @ 2017-12-29 14:41
utopia phy : 32 bits, unpacked
(*) [DFB] config name = default_layer_opacity, value =255
(*) [DFB] config name = quiet, value =(null)
DFB Note: mst_ir_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_keypad_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_ir_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_keypad_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
_MI_MMC_Config_Path open failed, it will open default path!
open fail!!!!
mmc read from 0x0 0x400[EnvParse][1087]Error!!!
@@@@@ pSystemini->n : 6
@@@@ SetExtDFBRcCfg
_MI_MMC_Config_Path open failed, it will open default path!
open fail!!!!
mmc read from 0x0 0x400[EnvParse][1087]Error!!!
@@@@@ pSystemini->n : 6
V/ ( 1032 1036): Receive CONNECT
V/ ( 1032 1037): Receive SYSTEM_INITIALIZEENV
Error, panel name not found!
[TTS]: >>>>Debug<<<< TTSPlayer Set Debug Level to 1, Debug Flag to 0
[TTS]: >>>>Debug<<<< TTSPlayer Version : 2.5.0
[ttsplayer.ini] load_ini_from_file, Cannot get :ALSA_SCHED_POLICY [ttsplayer.ini] load_ini_from_file, Cannot get :ENGINE_SCHED_POLICY [ttsplayer.ini] load_ini_from_file, Cannot get :SND_PCM_OPEN_NODE_NAME [ttsplayer.ini] load_ini_from_file, Cannot get :LANGUAGE_WITH_VOICES [TtsSetting] deserialize /applications/TTS/ttsengine.ini
[TtsSetting] deserialize /Customer/ttsplayer.ini
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1147, client 0x15fc3b0)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1147, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(TTSPlayer).
[MNGR]: auto_start_delay 3 sec
[MSOS][Utopia]: [003393] ~!~mappd sharemem @
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000687] pthread_mutex_init
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000689] CHIP_InitISR
[utopia info] utopia init
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 444, SEM_Init is opened
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 446, SEM Register finished
[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1060, current resource pri_shm content is: 0
[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1079, [SYS INFO] OPEN INSTANCE...
[TTS]: >>>>Debug<<<< Wrong TTS supported hash key or Without efuse IC on board.
iniparser: cannot open /config/ProjectRule.ini
iniparser: cannot open /config/MiuSelectRule.ini
dfb_system_lookup:419, module name = devmem (with Msos)
[MSOS][Utopia]: [003393] ~!~mappd sharemem @
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000687] pthread_mutex_init
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000689] CHIP_InitISR
[utopia info] utopia init
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 444, SEM_Init is opened
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 446, SEM Register finished
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000566] [MsOS_Init] already inited!
[MIU INFO] miu open[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1060, current resource pri_shm content is: 0
[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1079, [SYS INFO] OPEN INSTANCE...
[SYS][Utopia]: MDrv_SYS_GlobalInit finishedMDrv_PNL_Init u32PnlRiuBaseAddr = ac862000
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PMRiuBaseAddr = ac942000
[GOP API][Utopia]:
[GOP INFO] gop open
warning!!! Virtual Command queue has been activated!!
[HDCP2X] Failed to open MLog library: /mslib/libMLog.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[GOP DRV][Utopia]: [GOP_SetGopExtendGwinInfo]WidthEnd 0x780 >WidthStart 0x780
[Note] dfb_layer_region_flip_update:layer 2 Gwin was disabled. Now Gwin Enable !
Dump PID(1142)(00000476) to file /tmp/pid_hisenseUI [MSOS][Utopia]: [003393] ~!~mappd sharemem @
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000687] pthread_mutex_init
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000689] CHIP_InitISR
[utopia info] utopia init
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 444, SEM_Init is opened
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 446, SEM Register finished
[DFB] can not use MApi_GOP_GetChipCaps before DFB initialize
DFB library build @ 2017-12-29 14:41
utopia phy : 32 bits, unpacked
(*) [DFB] config name = default_layer_opacity, value =255
(*) [DFB] config name = quiet, value =(null)
DFB Note: mst_ir_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_keypad_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_ir_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_keypad_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
[BootAnimation: 312L]INFO: logo index: 1, Home path:/usr/local/animation/hisense/
_MI_MMC_Config_Path open failed, it will open default path!
open fail!!!!
mmc read from 0x0 0x400[EnvParse][1087]Error!!!
@@@@@ pSystemini->n : 6
@@@@ SetExtDFBRcCfg
_MI_MMC_Config_Path open failed, it will open default path!
open fail!!!!
mmc read from 0x0 0x400[EnvParse][1087]Error!!!
@@@@@ pSystemini->n : 6
Error, panel name not found!
iniparser: cannot open /config/ProjectRule.ini
iniparser: cannot open /config/MiuSelectRule.ini
dfb_system_lookup:419, module name = devmem (with Msos)
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000566] [MsOS_Init] already inited!
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000566] [MsOS_Init] already inited!
[MIU INFO] miu open[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1060, current resource pri_shm content is: 0
[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1079, [SYS INFO] OPEN INSTANCE...
[SYS][Utopia]: MDrv_SYS_GlobalInit finishedMDrv_PNL_Init u32PnlRiuBaseAddr = ac7e4000
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PMRiuBaseAddr = ac8c4000
[GOP API][Utopia]:
[GOP INFO] gop open
warning!!! Virtual Command queue has been activated!!
Setup EGL directfb surface(0x1145b00)
Initializing Opera (482d9573983c0dc88279250ad9cf51bf8752010b) [ pid = 1142 ] ...
Device Model Name = Hisense-MSD6586
[BootAnimation: 593L]INFO: Animation start ...
[MNGR]: removeClient()
[[WARNNING]]: Find this client in clientlist
V/ ( 1032 1036): Receive SYSTEM_INITIALIZEENV
V/ ( 1032 1037): Receive SYSTEM_SETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
V/ ( 1032 1036): Receive SYSTEM_SAVEENV
mark debug [SystemSaveEnv] [519]
mark debug [SystemSaveEnv] [525] [0]
V/ ( 1032 1037): Receive SYSTEM_GETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
V/ ( 1032 1036): Receive SYSTEM_SETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
V/ ( 1032 1037): Receive SYSTEM_SAVEENV
mark debug [SystemSaveEnv] [519]
| UVABackend* UVA_RequestBackend(UVABackend::UVABackendType, UVAClient*)
mark debug [SystemSaveEnv] [525] [0]
V/ ( 1032 1036): Receive SYSTEM_GETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
[MNGR]: AutoStarter thread terminating.
V/ ( 1032 1037): Receive SYSTEM_SETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
V/ ( 1032 1036): Receive SYSTEM_SAVEENV
mark debug [SystemSaveEnv] [519]
mark debug [SystemSaveEnv] [525] [0]
V/ ( 1032 1037): Receive CONNECT
V/ ( 1032 1036): Receive SYSTEM_SETTIMEOFDAY
V/ ( 1032 1037): Receive SYSTEM_INSMOD
insmod: can't insert '/tvservice/modules/cfg80211.ko': File exists
V/ ( 1032 1036): Receive SYSTEM_INSMOD
insmod: can't insert '/tvservice/modules/wlan_mt76x8_usb_prealloc.ko': File exists
V/ ( 1032 1316): Receive SYSTEM_INSMOD
V/ ( 1032 1037): Receive SYSTEM_SETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
V/ ( 1032 1036): Receive SYSTEM_SAVEENV
mark debug [SystemSaveEnv] [519]
mark debug [SystemSaveEnv] [525] [0]
V/ ( 1032 1037): Receive SYSTEM_GETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
V/ ( 1038 1040): Receive CONNECT
V/ ( 1038 1042): Receive NETWORK_OPEN3
V/ ( 1038 1040): Receive NETWORK_WRITE
V/ ( 1038 1042): Receive NETWORK_CLOSE
V/ ( 1038 1040): Receive NETWORK_OPEN3
V/ ( 1038 1042): Receive NETWORK_WRITE
V/ ( 1038 1040): Receive NETWORK_CLOSE
V/ ( 1038 1042): Receive NETWORK_WPACOMMAND
Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
skip wlan0 p2p init
rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
V/ ( 1032 1036): Receive SYSTEM_GETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
V/ ( 1032 1316): Receive SYSTEM_GETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
V/ ( 1032 1037): Receive SYSTEM_GETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
V/ ( 1032 1036): Receive SYSTEM_GETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
V/ ( 1032 1316): Receive SYSTEM_GETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
V/ ( 1038 1443): Receive NETWORK_OPEN3
V/ ( 1038 1040): Receive NETWORK_WRITE
V/ ( 1038 1042): Receive NETWORK_CLOSE
V/ ( 1038 1443): Receive NETWORK_WPACOMMAND
V/ ( 1032 1037): Receive SYSTEM_SETHOSTNAME
V/ ( 1038 1040): Receive NETWORK_OPEN3
V/ ( 1038 1042): Receive NETWORK_WRITE
V/ ( 1038 1443): Receive NETWORK_CLOSE
V/ ( 1038 1040): Receive NETWORK_OPEN3
V/ ( 1038 1042): Receive NETWORK_WRITE
V/ ( 1038 1443): Receive NETWORK_CLOSE
[BootAnimation: 632L]INFO: Stopped by semaphore GUICLOSE
[BootAnimation: 682L]INFO: Animation exit with black screen...
mpool[0] Unmapping PA:[8C5A4000], VA:[AD367000], Size:[8A00000] done.
Function = MsOS_MPool_UnMapping, Line = 1367, releasing cma_memory is done
Fusion/Receiver: -> good bye! (pid=1146)
[GOP API][Utopia]: ---GOP_AtExit 2983: PID[1146], TID[-1225310208] exited
[GOP API][Utopia]: ---GOP_AtExit 2983: PID[1146], TID[-1225310208] exited
[GOP DRV][Utopia]: [GOP_SetGopExtendGwinInfo]WidthEnd 0x780 >WidthStart 0x780
[GOP API][Utopia]: ---GOP_AtExit 2983: PID[1146], TID[-1225310208] exited
[MNGR]: removeClient()
[[WARNNING]]: Find this client in clientlist
V/ ( 1032 1036): Receive SYSTEM_GETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(Netflix, pid=1047)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(Netflix).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 459 bytes. Raw: (---name Netflix ---path /applications/Netflix/bin/NetflixLauncher ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---envv NF_DATA_DIR=/appcache/Netflix_env/data LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/applications/Netflix/lib:/mslib:/mslib/utopia:/mslib/directfb-1.4-0/inputdrivers/:/config:/tvservice/conflictlib --il-directory=/appcache/Netflix_env/data/var/tiles/ --il-secret=mstaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/Netflix/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/Netflix/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 17 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 6
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1576
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1576

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /applications/Netflix/bin
[BIGBANG]: Launching /applications/Netflix/bin/NetflixLauncher
[CAP]: set gid, [60014], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60014], ret = [0]
[NetflixLauncher] App: Netflix launched
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1576, client 0xb6300a48)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1576, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(Netflix).
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(DIAL, pid=1047)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(DIAL).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 386 bytes. Raw: (---name DIAL ---path /applications/dial/dialserver ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---argv --customerization 1 ---envv LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mslib:/tvservice/conflictlib:/mslib/utopia DIAL_SETTING_PATH=/applications/dial/dialsetting.ini DIAL_APP_SETTING_PATH=/applications/dial/dialappsetting.ini DIAL_UUID=/Customer/DIAL_UUID TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/DIAL/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/DIAL/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 20 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified argv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 6
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1580
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1580

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /applications/dial
[BIGBANG]: Launching /applications/dial/dialserver
[CAP]: set gid, [60002], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60002], ret = [0]

[DIAL]: debugSetCustomerization, customerization = 1
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1580, client 0xb6500898)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1580, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(DIAL).
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(Netflix_Splash, pid=1047)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(Netflix_Splash).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 499 bytes. Raw: (---name Netflix_Splash ---path /applications/Netflix/bin/nfxdevsplash ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---envv NF_DATA_DIR=/appcache/Netflix_env/data LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/applications/Netflix/lib:/mslib:/mslib/utopia:/mslib/directfb-1.4-0/inputdrivers/:/config:/tvservice/conflictlib --il-directory=/appcache/Netflix_env/data/var/tiles/ --il-secret=mstaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy NF_DISPLAY_LAYER_ID=0 TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/Netflix_Splash/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/Netflix_Splash/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 18 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 7
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1602
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1602

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
finished loading dial settings
@@@@ model name & friendly name from dialsetting ini ~~
+++++ GetDeviceModel +++++
[Get_ModelName, 245]:modelnameStr=Hisense_HE55A6100UWTS, len=21
+++++ GetFriendlyName +++++
[Get_FriendlyName, 181]:friendlynameStr=Smart TV, len=8
[BIGBANG]: Path : /applications/Netflix/bin
[BIGBANG]: Launching /applications/Netflix/bin/nfxdevsplash
[CAP]: set gid, [60014], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60014], ret = [0]
appLibGet <408> dlopen failed : /mslib/libcs.so
dial_platform_allregister <601> appLibGet failed
launcher listening on gDialPort 56789
SSDP listening on
App: Netflix_Splash launched
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1602, client 0xab600520)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1602, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(Netflix_Splash).
[Netflix_Splash] Load Netflix ini file success from /appcache/Netflix_env/data/etc/conf/NetflixInfo.ini
[Netflix_Splash] Register signal successfully!
DFB library build @ 2017-12-29 14:41
utopia phy : 32 bits, unpacked

(*) [DFB] config name = default_layer_opacity, value =255
(*) [DFB] config name = quiet, value =(null)
DFB Note: mst_ir_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_keypad_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_ir_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_keypad_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
_MI_MMC_Config_Path open failed, it will open default path!
open fail!!!!
mmc read from 0x0 0x400[EnvParse][1087]Error!!!
@@@@@ pSystemini->n : 6
@@@@ SetExtDFBRcCfg
_MI_MMC_Config_Path open failed, it will open default path!
open fail!!!!
mmc read from 0x0 0x400[EnvParse][1087]Error!!!
@@@@@ pSystemini->n : 6
Error, panel name not found!
[NetflixLauncher] [isNetflixDaemonValid, 1041] Netflix binary checksum: FAILED !!! !!!
md5sum: WARNING: 1 of 1 computed checksums did NOT match
[NetflixLauncher] Load Netflix ini file success from /appcache/Netflix_env/data/etc/conf/NetflixInfo.ini
[NetflixLauncher] [runNetflixDaemon, 1005] run NetflixDaemon through APM_RequestToRunSilent with no param.
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(Netflix_Daemon, pid=1576)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(Netflix_Daemon).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 770 bytes. Raw: (---name Netflix_Daemon ---path /applications/Netflix/bin/netflix ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---argv --key-repeat-delay=300 --il-directory=/appcache/Netflix_env/data/var/tiles/ --il-secret=mstaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy --jsc-discard-compiled-code-threshold=120000 --no-dpi-support-dolby-vision ---envv NF_DATA_DIR=/appcache/Netflix_env/data LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/applications/Netflix/lib:/mslib:/mslib/utopia:/mslib/directfb-1.4-0/inputdrivers/:/config:/tvservice/conflictlib NF_INI_FILE_PATH=/appcache/Netflix_env/data/etc/conf/NetflixInfo.ini SN_TTSPLAYER_INI=/Customer/Supernova_TTS.ini ScriptToHandleSignal=/Customer/GenNetflixCrashReport.sh NF_DISPLAY_LAYER_ID=0 TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/Netflix_Daemon/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/Netflix_Daemon/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 25 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified argv 5
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 8
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1632
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1632

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /applications/Netflix/bin
[BIGBANG]: Launching /applications/Netflix/bin/netflix
[CAP]: set gid, [60014], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60014], ret = [0]
iniparser: cannot open /config/ProjectRule.ini
iniparser: cannot open /config/MiuSelectRule.ini
dfb_system_lookup:419, module name = devmem (with Msos)
[MSOS][Utopia]: [003393] ~!~mappd sharemem @
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000687] pthread_mutex_init
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000689] CHIP_InitISR
[utopia info] utopia init
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 444, SEM_Init is opened
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 446, SEM Register finished
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000566] [MsOS_Init] already inited!
[MIU INFO] miu open[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1060, current resource pri_shm content is: 0
[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1079, [SYS INFO] OPEN INSTANCE...
[SYS][Utopia]: MDrv_SYS_GlobalInit finishedMDrv_PNL_Init u32PnlRiuBaseAddr = b5b20000
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PMRiuBaseAddr = ab419000
[XC,Version] 00709801
[GOP API][Utopia]:
[GOP INFO] gop open
warning!!! Virtual Command queue has been activated!!
[Info]: Netflix_Splash, graphic layer width:1280, height:720
V/ ( 1038 1040): Receive NETWORK_WPACOMMAND
V/ ( 1038 1042): Receive NETWORK_WPACOMMAND
udhcpc (v1.22.1) started
cat: can't open '/dev/shm/ip_log': No such file or directory
Sending discover...
Sending discover...
Entering released state
Load Netflix ini file success
dumpIniMap ...
[0] Name:ALSA_Delay Value:0
[1] Name:CertificationVersion Value:0
[2] Name:DialParingCodePath Value:/dev/shm/dial_argv
[3] Name:DialSettingPath Value:/Customer/dialsetting.ini
[4] Name:ESNID Value:/certificate/netflix/ESNID
[5] Name:KeepVideoAR Value:1
[6] Name:Keymap Value:/appcache/Netflix_env/data/etc/conf/Netflix_Keymap.csv
[7] Name:KpeKph Value:/certificate/netflix/KpeKph
[8] Name:MM_NEW_AUDIO_MODE Value:1
[9] Name:PlayreadyCurlTimeout Value:1
[12] Name:SWVersion Value:V0000.01.00a.I1007/
[13] Name:SecureData Value:/Customer/sData
[14] Name:TTSLibPath Value:/tvservice/conflictlib/libTTSClient.so
[15] Name:TVHeight Value:62.0
[16] Name:TVWidth Value:111.0
[17] Name:TeeLogEnable Value:0
[18] Name:UnderFlow2Threshold Value:3145728
[19] Name:UnderFlow3Threshold Value:3000
[20] Name:VideoPushBuffer Value:3145728
[21] Name:Video_Start_Threshold Value:250
[22] Name:WiredLanDefaultInterface Value:eth0
[23] Name:ZeroALSADataSize Value:16
dumpIniMap finish
===================GO to Netflix APM_Join ==================================
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1632, client 0xab600818)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1632, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(Netflix_Daemon).
[NetflixLauncher] [NFLogReport_CheckLaunch, 736] Netflix_Daemon launch sucessfully!
[MNGR]: Leave(1576).
[MNGR]: ==>onDestroy(Netflix)[pid 1576].(Please ask Netflix owner to check if not see callback function Entering & Leaving)
[APMLIB]: [callback onDestroy|line 208] is Entering.
[NetflixLauncher] [OnDestroy,287] Netflix OnDestroy() callback -- wait for destroy application
[APMLIB]: _leave_key_receiver : KeyQNotifyLock destroy fail
[APMLIB]: [callback onDestroy|line 232] is Leaving.
[MNGR]: TerminateProgram(Netflix,pid=1576).
[MNGR]: ==>[apm_bond][pid 1047]onLoseFocus().(Please ask apm_bond owner to check if not see callback function Entering & Leaving)
[APMLIB]: [callback onLoseFocus|line 252] is Entering.
[APMLIB]: [callback onLoseFocus|line 256] is Leaving.
[MNGR]: ==>[apm_bond][pid 1047]onGetFocus().(Please ask apm_bond owner to check if not see callback function Entering & Leaving)
[APMLIB]: [callback onGetFocus|line 240] is Entering.
[APMLIB]: [callback onGetFocus|line 244] is Leaving.
[MNGR]: removeClient()
[Netflix_Daemon] [CopyGenCrashReportScript, 468]CopyReportcmd: cp -f /appcache/Netflix_env/data/GenNetflixCrashReport.sh /Customer/GenNetflixCrashReport.sh
[Netflix_Daemon] [CopyGenCrashReportScript, 472]SetReportLocationcmd: sed -i "s/CRASHREPORT_DATA=.*/CRASHREPORT_DATA=\/appcache\/Netflix_env\/data\/netflix_report/g" /Customer/GenNetflixCrashReport.sh
[MSOS][Utopia]: [003393] ~!~mappd sharemem @
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000687] pthread_mutex_init
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000689] CHIP_InitISR
[utopia info] utopia init
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 444, SEM_Init is opened
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 446, SEM Register finished
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000566] [MsOS_Init] already inited!
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000566] [MsOS_Init] already inited!
[MIU INFO] miu open[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1060, current resource pri_shm content is: 0
[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1079, [SYS INFO] OPEN INSTANCE...
[SYS][Utopia]: MDrv_SYS_GlobalInit finished[IPAUTH][Utopia]:
[IPAUTH][Utopia]: Auth OK
[SYS] Unknown query!
[SYS] Unknown query!
[IPAUTH][Utopia]: Auth OK
[SYS] Unknown query!
[SYS] Unknown query!
license to run NETFLIX !!

======================> TEEC_Initialize
libTEEClient.so MSIF TEE_-28.04.71fd8bf.2017060511
get mmap:/config/mmap.ini
SHMPhyAddr =3f000000
SHMPhyBufLen =200000
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000566] [MsOS_Init] already inited!
libSema.so MSIF TEE_-28.04.71fd8bf.2017060511
Memory attached at 3038846976

NRD: The build data: Apr 14 2016 and time: 16:56:43

======================> Open a new session : 3
=====from CA info: =====
NRD: The build data: Apr 14 2016 and time: 16:56:43
NRD: version-3.004.1526941
=====from TA info: =====
NRD: The build data: Apr 14 2016 and time: 16:54:57
NRD: version-3.004.1526941
TEEC_OpenSession finish
[gibbon_oem_start, 1233], ESNPath=/certificate/netflix/ESNID
[gibbon_oem_start, 1240], KpeKphPath=/certificate/netflix/KpeKph
[gibbon_oem_start, 1247], secureDataPath=/Customer/sData
gibbon_oem_start: line:1252 ret=1, out ==============

[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_event, 508] case: GibbonOEM_Init
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1339] ==== gibbon_oem_ReadDialParingCode====
[MNGR]: IsAtomicFinished(pid=1632) (type=0).
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1348]: Finish to do all launch atomic callback!
[Netflix_Daemon] [ParseSourceSuspendType, 708] gSourceTypeParam=source_type=22&additionalDataUrl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A56789%2Fapps%2FNetflix%2Fdial_data%3F
[Netflix_Daemon] [ParseSourceSuspendType, 709] gSuspendParam=--suspend=true
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1394] ==== argv[0] is /applications/Netflix/bin/netflix ====
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1394] ==== argv[1] is --key-repeat-delay=300 ====
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1394] ==== argv[2] is --il-directory=/appcache/Netflix_env/data/var/tiles/ ====
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1394] ==== argv[3] is --il-secret=mstaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ====
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1394] ==== argv[4] is --jsc-discard-compiled-code-threshold=120000 ====
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1394] ==== argv[5] is --no-dpi-support-dolby-vision ====
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1394] ==== argv[6] is -Q ====
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1394] ==== argv[7] is source_type=22&additionalDataUrl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A56789%2Fapps%2FNetflix%2Fdial_data%3F ====
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1394] ==== argv[8] is --suspend=true ====
[Netflix_Daemon] [monitor_nfx_mode, 887] bind address successful!!
Try to open keyMapFile:/appcache/Netflix_env/data/etc/conf/Netflix_Keymap.csv
read /appcache/Netflix_env/data/etc/conf/Netflix_Keymap.csv success. event type keymap size : 171, unicode keymap size : 95
[ModelGroupFileSystem, 427], filePath1=/certificate/netflix/ESNID
[ModelGroupFileSystem, 428], filePath2=/certificate/netflix/KpeKph
read ESN, /certificate/netflix/ESNID
copy ESN form TEE
Read KpeKph, /certificate/netflix/KpeKph
copy kpe and kph form TEE
====>mKpe: size=16
0xe4, 0x8b, 0x0d, 0xb7, 0x6f, 0x9c, 0x63, 0x8e, 0xba, 0x95, 0xd6, 0x32, 0xc0, 0x1f, 0xfa, 0xd3
====>mKph: size=32
0x17, 0x05, 0x76, 0xba, 0x4a, 0xb1, 0x45, 0x59, 0xc4, 0xa1, 0x51, 0x37, 0xdb, 0x34, 0x7e, 0xd3
0xc2, 0x96, 0x60, 0x51, 0x7d, 0x28, 0xbc, 0xc0, 0xda, 0x60, 0xa8, 0x30, 0xcb, 0xde, 0x0a, 0x89
[TTS]: >>>>Debug<<<< TTSPClient Set Debug Level to 1, Debug Flag to 0
[TTS]: >>>>Debug<<<< TTS Client : permission denied
[ttsplayer.ini] load_ini_from_file, Cannot get :ALSA_SCHED_POLICY [ttsplayer.ini] load_ini_from_file, Cannot get :ENGINE_SCHED_POLICY [ttsplayer.ini] load_ini_from_file, Cannot get :SND_PCM_OPEN_NODE_NAME [ttsplayer.ini] load_ini_from_file, Cannot get :LANGUAGE_WITH_VOICES [Netflix_Daemon] [TextToSpeechFestival, 208] Failed to connect TTSPlayer through IPC.[retVal: -10]
[loadEncrypted, 672], mEncryptedFile.c_str()=/Customer/sData
FileSystem::loadEncrypted() load data from TEE size=23030
dump: ncf_kpe, len=16
0xe4, 0x8b, 0x0d, 0xb7, 0x6f, 0x9c, 0x63, 0x8e, 0xba, 0x95, 0xd6, 0x32, 0xc0, 0x1f, 0xfa, 0xd3,

dump: ncf_kph, len=32
0x17, 0x05, 0x76, 0xba, 0x4a, 0xb1, 0x45, 0x59, 0xc4, 0xa1, 0x51, 0x37, 0xdb, 0x34, 0x7e, 0xd3,
0xc2, 0x96, 0x60, 0x51, 0x7d, 0x28, 0xbc, 0xc0, 0xda, 0x60, 0xa8, 0x30, 0xcb, 0xde, 0x0a, 0x89,

dump: kpw, len=32
0x25, 0xe6, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x6d, 0x0f, 0xa0, 0xf0, 0x43, 0x0c, 0x8e, 0x6a, 0xc9, 0x58, 0x58, 0x94,
0x4c, 0xf8, 0x82, 0xe1, 0x59, 0xeb, 0x8e, 0x22, 0xa2, 0xed, 0x69, 0x50, 0xa4, 0x24, 0x59, 0xee,

00:00:01.699 [DNS_MANAGER:0xb4821450] DNS_MANAGER(error): type=dnslookup {"adt":"ipv4","err":-76,"hst":"nrdp.nccp.netflix.com","srv":"default(","tim":3}
00:00:01.700 [DNS_MANAGER:0xb4821450] DNS_MANAGER(error): type=dnslookup {"adt":"ipv4","err":-76,"hst":"api-global.netflix.com","srv":"default(","tim":3}
00:00:01.701 [DNS_MANAGER:0xb4821450] DNS_MANAGER(error): type=dnslookup {"adt":"ipv4","err":-76,"hst":"secure.netflix.com","srv":"default(","tim":4}
00:00:01.702 [DNS_MANAGER:0xb4821450] DNS_MANAGER(error): type=dnslookup {"adt":"ipv4","err":-76,"hst":"appboot.netflix.com","srv":"default(","tim":8}
SoftwareVersion = V0000.01.00a.I1007/2016.1.2
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_event, 537] case: GibbonOEM_Suspended
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_event, 521] case: GibbonOEM_Started
[Netflix_Daemon] [monitor_nfx_mode, 1047] Finish launching Netflix into background[NFxMode: 7].
+++++ GetDeviceModel +++++
deviceModel = Hisense_HE55A6100UWTS
+++++ getFriendlyName +++++
[Netflix_Daemon] Get Device friendly name from dial setting ini file: [Smart TV]
virtual const string netflix::device::FileSystem::getLanguage() const:809 temp = (null)
00:00:04.378 [GIBBON_MAIN:0xb5c12000] LOG(error): SystemData::updateNetworkInterfaceInfo(): no default interface
SoftwareVersion = V0000.01.00a.I1007/2016.1.2
00:00:08.275 [GIBBON_MAIN:0xb5c12000] MSL(error): Request (1) to http://appboot.netflix.com/appboot/HISETVD126 failed : DNS_ERROR [NAMERESOLVEERROR/DNS_ERROR] : {"mesg":"DNS_ERROR [NAMERESOLVEERROR/DNS_ERROR]","url":"http://appboot.netflix.com/appboot/HISETVD126","errorCode":6,"errorGroup":3,"finalUrl":"http://appboot.netflix.com/appboot/HISETVD126","httpCode":500,"line":675,"sourceURL":"http://localcontrol.netflix.com/js/boot.js"}
00:00:08.309 [GIBBON_MAIN:0xb5c12000] BOOT(error): App boot failed: MslIoException: DNS_ERROR
00:00:08.309 [GIBBON_MAIN:0xb5c12000] BOOT(error): MslIoException: DNS_ERROR
00:00:09.586 [GIBBON_MAIN:0xb5c12000] MSL(error): Request (1) to https://appboot.netflix.com/appboot/HISETVD126 failed : DNS_ERROR [NAMERESOLVEERROR/DNS_ERROR] : {"mesg":"DNS_ERROR [NAMERESOLVEERROR/DNS_ERROR]","url":"https://appboot.netflix.com/appboot/HISETVD126","errorCode":6,"errorGroup":3,"finalUrl":"https://appboot.netflix.com/appboot/HISETVD126","httpCode":500,"line":675,"sourceURL":"http://localcontrol.netflix.com/js/boot.js"}
00:00:09.591 [GIBBON_MAIN:0xb5c12000] BOOT(error): App boot failed: MslIoException: DNS_ERROR
00:00:09.591 [GIBBON_MAIN:0xb5c12000] BOOT(error): MslIoException: DNS_ERROR
00:00:11.804 [GIBBON_MAIN:0xb5c12000] MSL(error): Request (1) to http://appboot.netflix.com/appboot/HISETVD126 failed : DNS_ERROR [NAMERESOLVEERROR/DNS_ERROR] : {"mesg":"DNS_ERROR [NAMERESOLVEERROR/DNS_ERROR]","url":"http://appboot.netflix.com/appboot/HISETVD126","errorCode":6,"errorGroup":3,"finalUrl":"http://appboot.netflix.com/appboot/HISETVD126","httpCode":500,"line":675,"sourceURL":"http://localcontrol.netflix.com/js/boot.js"}
00:00:11.808 [GIBBON_MAIN:0xb5c12000] BOOT(error): App boot failed: MslIoException: DNS_ERROR
00:00:11.808 [GIBBON_MAIN:0xb5c12000] BOOT(error): MslIoException: DNS_ERROR
[flushEncrypted, 2553], mEncryptedFile.c_str()=/Customer/sData
[flushEncrypted] write to Secure store size = 23030
00:00:15.082 [GIBBON_MAIN:0xb5c12000] MSL(error): Request (1) to https://appboot.netflix.com/appboot/HISETVD126 failed : DNS_ERROR [NAMERESOLVEERROR/DNS_ERROR] : {"mesg":"DNS_ERROR [NAMERESOLVEERROR/DNS_ERROR]","url":"https://appboot.netflix.com/appboot/HISETVD126","errorCode":6,"errorGroup":3,"finalUrl":"https://appboot.netflix.com/appboot/HISETVD126","httpCode":500,"line":675,"sourceURL":"http://localcontrol.netflix.com/js/boot.js"}
00:00:15.094 [GIBBON_MAIN:0xb5c12000] BOOT(error): App boot failed: MslIoException: DNS_ERROR
00:00:15.094 [GIBBON_MAIN:0xb5c12000] BOOT(error): MslIoException: DNS_ERROR
00:00:19.314 [GIBBON_MAIN:0xb5c12000] MSL(error): Request (1) to http://appboot.netflix.com/appboot/HISETVD126 failed : DNS_ERROR [NAMERESOLVEERROR/DNS_ERROR] : {"mesg":"DNS_ERROR [NAMERESOLVEERROR/DNS_ERROR]","url":"http://appboot.netflix.com/appboot/HISETVD126","errorCode":6,"errorGroup":3,"finalUrl":"http://appboot.netflix.com/appboot/HISETVD126","httpCode":500,"line":675,"sourceURL":"http://localcontrol.netflix.com/js/boot.js"}
00:00:19.318 [GIBBON_MAIN:0xb5c12000] BOOT(error): App boot failed: MslIoException: DNS_ERROR
00:00:19.318 [GIBBON_MAIN:0xb5c12000] BOOT(error): MslIoException: DNS_ERROR
00:00:24.524 [GIBBON_MAIN:0xb5c12000] MSL(error): Request (1) to https://appboot.netflix.com/appboot/HISETVD126 failed : DNS_ERROR [NAMERESOLVEERROR/DNS_ERROR] : {"mesg":"DNS_ERROR [NAMERESOLVEERROR/DNS_ERROR]","url":"https://appboot.netflix.com/appboot/HISETVD126","errorCode":6,"errorGroup":3,"finalUrl":"https://appboot.netflix.com/appboot/HISETVD126","httpCode":500,"line":675,"sourceURL":"http://localcontrol.netflix.com/js/boot.js"}
00:00:24.527 [GIBBON_MAIN:0xb5c12000] BOOT(error): App boot failed: MslIoException: DNS_ERROR
00:00:24.527 [GIBBON_MAIN:0xb5c12000] BOOT(error): MslIoException: DNS_ERROR
00:00:25.200 [GIBBON_MAIN:0xb5c12000] UI_SCRIPT(error): type=uinetworkerror {"name":"BIEP Error code","source":"BIEP","ui":"lruderrorpage","code":"NW-1-19","message":"Your device may not be connected to the Internet. Please make sure your connection is working. Retrying in 30 seconds.<br/>Code: NW-1-19","appid":"6608980684131601253","nrdpSuspendState":"suspend","retrycount":0,"timeElapsed":25197,"remainingRetryTIme":1800,"errorParams":{"_category":"Network","_frameUrl":"https://appboot.netflix.com/appboot/HISETVD126","_description":"Error loading UI","_statusCode":"500","_group":"3","_code":"6","_url":"https://appboot.netflix.com/appboot/HISETVD126","_appBootActionId":"","_appBootText":"","_appBootStage":"3","_mslResponseCode":"%MSL_RESPONSE_CODE%","_mslInternalCode":"%MSL_INTERNAL_CODE%","_mslMessage":"%MSL_MESSAGE%","associatedDebugCode":"ui-116"},"type":"uinetworkerror"}
[flushEncrypted, 2553], mEncryptedFile.c_str()=/Customer/sData
[flushEncrypted] write to Secure store size = 23042

Сейчас попробую прошить с флешки.

У вас нет доступа для просмотра вложений:
1. Пожалуйста авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйтесь.
2. Вы должны иметь 15 (ПЯТНАДЦАТЬ) или более сообщений.
3. У нас можно купить доступ к файлам.

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 20 янв 2021, 21:39 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 16 окт 2016, 15:57
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 2464
Откуда: Украина, Киев
Пробовал с флешки обновить прошивку, не получилось, пробовал с разных портов USB
Судя по логу в конце много ошибок (error), думаю быта память eMMC Samsung KLM4G1FEPD-B031, читал дохнут как мухи, или прошивка кривая.
Программатора под нее нет, попробую подключится к ней через картридер.
Если туда новую чистую посадить, запустится прошивка с USB ?

У вас нет доступа для просмотра вложений:
1. Пожалуйста авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйтесь.
2. Вы должны иметь 15 (ПЯТНАДЦАТЬ) или более сообщений.
3. У нас можно купить доступ к файлам.

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 20 янв 2021, 22:14 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 13 фев 2016, 17:57
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 3467
Откуда: Tagan York
C пустой emmc не запустится. Ее надо сконфигурировать и прошить буты и и загрузчик, что то типа mboot
Это все просто сделать у того у кого есть программатор.

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 20 янв 2021, 23:54 
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 13 дек 2020, 14:08
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 222
Откуда: Макеевка
Нужно с родной считать дамп и extcsd конфиг и залить в новую, за тем обновить по юсб. Это только программатором. Z3x, ufpi, rt809h (или f, точно не помню), t56 programmer

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 21 янв 2021, 00:23 
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 11 мар 2015, 08:40
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 373
Откуда: Минск
Непонятно зачем его шить если он на пульт реагирует

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 21 янв 2021, 11:31 
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 13 дек 2020, 14:08
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 222
Откуда: Макеевка
mzr910 писал(а):
Непонятно зачем его шить если он на пульт реагирует

Реакция на пульт, не показатель исправного тв

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 22 янв 2021, 00:22 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 16 окт 2016, 15:57
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 2464
Откуда: Украина, Киев
Получилось запустить прошивку с USB, название файла должно быть: upgrade_loader.bin
************************************************************CRC_result=0xDA066E3 3, CRC_expect=0xDA066E33, size=0x2DCF314C
eMMC SLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC MLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC pre_eol_info normal
start=0x703E08 # the first block in partition
size=0x2000 # number of blocks
Failed to get the language from the environment,please checkFailed to get the la nguage from the environment,please checkFailed to get the language from the envi ronment,please checkFailed to get the language from the environment,please check Failed to get the language from the environment,please checkFailed to get the la nguage from the environment,please checkFailed to get the language from the envi ronment,please checkFailed to get the language from the environment,please check Saving Environment to MMC...
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK

>> mmc slc 0 1
--20 %
Reliable write is default supported!

>> mmc rmgpt
--21 %
skip cmd:mmc rmgpt

>> mmc slc 0 1
--21 %
Reliable write is default supported!

>> mmc rmgpt
--22 %
skip cmd:mmc rmgpt

>> mmc create MBOOT 0x300000 0x200000
--22 %
skip cmd:mmc create MBOOT 0x300000 0x200000

>> mmc create MPOOL 0xA00000 0x500000
--23 %
skip cmd:mmc create MPOOL 0xA00000 0x500000

>> mmc create MBOOTBAK 0x300000 0x1000000
--23 %
skip cmd:mmc create MBOOTBAK 0x300000 0x1000000

>> mmc create bootflag 0x1000
--24 %
skip cmd:mmc create bootflag 0x1000

>> mmc create KL 0x01000000
--24 %
skip cmd:mmc create KL 0x01000000

>> mmc create KLB 0x01000000
--25 %
skip cmd:mmc create KLB 0x01000000

>> mmc create RFS 0x1400000
--25 %
skip cmd:mmc create RFS 0x1400000

>> mmc create RFSB 0x1400000
--26 %
skip cmd:mmc create RFSB 0x1400000

>> mmc create tvservice 0x12C00000
--26 %
skip cmd:mmc create tvservice 0x12C00000

>> mmc create noneA 0x00040000
--27 %
skip cmd:mmc create noneA 0x00040000

>> mmc create tvconfig 0x1000000
--27 %
skip cmd:mmc create tvconfig 0x1000000

>> mmc create RTPM 0x00040000
--28 %
skip cmd:mmc create RTPM 0x00040000

>> mmc create tvdatabase 0x00800000
--28 %
skip cmd:mmc create tvdatabase 0x00800000

>> mmc create tvcustomer 0x04000000
--29 %
skip cmd:mmc create tvcustomer 0x04000000

>> mmc create tee 0x00600000
--29 %
skip cmd:mmc create tee 0x00600000

>> mmc create teeB 0x00600000
--30 %
skip cmd:mmc create teeB 0x00600000

>> mmc create dtb 0x0100000
--30 %
skip cmd:mmc create dtb 0x0100000

>> mmc create criticaldata 0x00800000
--31 %
skip cmd:mmc create criticaldata 0x00800000

>> mmc create modeldata 0x008000000
--31 %
skip cmd:mmc create modeldata 0x008000000

>> mmc create usrfs 0x0FA00000
--32 %
skip cmd:mmc create usrfs 0x0FA00000

>> mmc create noneB 0x00040000
--32 %
skip cmd:mmc create noneB 0x00040000

>> mmc create optfs 0x22600000
--33 %
skip cmd:mmc create optfs 0x22600000

>> mmc create oad 0x67200000
--33 %
skip cmd:mmc create oad 0x67200000

>> mmc create varlfs 0x1F400000
--34 %
skip cmd:mmc create varlfs 0x1F400000

>> mmc create certificate 0x0400000
--34 %
skip cmd:mmc create certificate 0x0400000

>> mmc create noneD 0x00040000
--35 %
skip cmd:mmc create noneD 0x00040000

>> mmc create servicedata 0x1400000
--35 %
skip cmd:mmc create servicedata 0x1400000

>> mmc create factorydata 0x0A00000
--36 %
skip cmd:mmc create factorydata 0x0A00000

>> mmc create serialsdata 0x06400000
--37 %
skip cmd:mmc create serialsdata 0x06400000

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x4000 0x13800
--37 %

>> mmc write.boot 1 0x22E00000 0 0x13800 1
--38 %
156 blocks written: OK

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x18000 0x1c1400
--38 %

>> mmc write.p 0x22E00000 MBOOT 0x1C1400 1
--39 %
3594 blocks written: OK

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x1da000 0x1c1400
--39 %

>> mmc write.p 0x22E00000 MBOOTBAK 0x1C1400 1
--40 %
3594 blocks written: OK

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x39c000 0x4e22e2
--40 %

>> mmc erase.p tee
--41 %
MMC erase: dev # 0, user area part, block # 1008648, count 12288 (unit: sector). ..
12288 blocks erase: OK

>> mmc write.p 0x22E00000 tee 0x4E22E2
--41 %
10002 blocks written: OK

>> mmc erase.p teeB
--42 %
MMC erase: dev # 0, user area part, block # 1020936, count 12288 (unit: sector). ..
12288 blocks erase: OK

>> mmc write.p 0x22E00000 teeB 0x4E22E2
--42 %
10002 blocks written: OK

>> setenv LOAD_NUTTX mmc read.p 0x5EC70000 tee 0x600000
--43 %

>> setenv BOOT_NUTTX bootNuttx 0x1EC70000
--43 %

>> saveenv
--44 %
Saving Environment to MMC...
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x87f000 0x10000
--44 %

>> mmc erase.p RTPM
--45 %
MMC erase: dev # 0, user area part, block # 860680, count 512 (unit: sector)...
512 blocks erase: OK

>> mmc write.p 0x22E00000 RTPM 0x10000 1
--45 %
128 blocks written: OK

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x88f000 0x31ddc0
--46 %

>> mmc erase.p KL
--46 %
MMC erase: dev # 0, user area part, block # 65544, count 32768 (unit: sector)...
32768 blocks erase: OK

>> mmc write.p 0x22E00000 KL 0x31DDC0 1
--47 %
6383 blocks written: OK

>> mmc erase.p KLB
--47 %
MMC erase: dev # 0, user area part, block # 98312, count 32768 (unit: sector)...
32768 blocks erase: OK

>> mmc write.p 0x22E00000 KLB 0x31DDC0 1
--48 %
6383 blocks written: OK

>> setenv LOAD_KERNEL mmc read.p 0x25000000 KL 0x01000000\; authenticateAN 0x250 00000
--48 %

>> setenv BOOT_KERNEL KLm 0x25000000
--49 %

>> saveenv
--49 %
Saving Environment to MMC...
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0xbad000 0x13fc110
--50 %

>> mmc write.p 0x22E00000 RFS 0x13FC110
--50 %
40929 blocks written: OK

>> mmc write.p 0x22E00000 RFSB 0x13FC110
--51 %
40929 blocks written: OK

>> mmc erase.p tvservice
--51 %
MMC erase: dev # 0, user area part, block # 213000, count 614400 (unit: sector). ..
614400 blocks erase: OK

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x1faa000 0x238b11c
--52 %

>> mmc unlzo 0x22E00000 0x238B11C tvservice 1
--53 %
mmc change mount : tvconfig
eMMC SLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC MLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC pre_eol_info normal
Size of file "/config/mmap.ini" from mmc device 0 partition tvconfig: 55255 byte s
eMMC SLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC MLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC pre_eol_info normal
Loading file "/config/mmap.ini" at offset 0x0 from mmc device 0 partition tvconf ig
55255 bytes read
Uncompressing ...
Continue uncompressing and writing emmc...
Depressed OK! Write to tvservice partition OK!
Total write size: 0x5000000

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x4336000 0x32e3570
--53 %

>> mmc unlzo.cont 0x22E00000 0x32E3570 tvservice 1
--54 %
Uncompressing ...
Continue uncompressing and writing emmc...
Depressed OK! Write to tvservice partition OK!
Total write size: 0x5000000

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x761a000 0x20d6033
--54 %

>> mmc unlzo.cont 0x22E00000 0x20D6033 tvservice 1
--55 %
Uncompressing ...
Continue uncompressing and writing emmc...
Depressed OK! Write to tvservice partition OK!
Total write size: 0x5000000

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x96f1000 0x470d8
--55 %

>> mmc unlzo.cont 0x22E00000 0x470D8 tvservice 1
--56 %
Uncompressing ...
Continue uncompressing and writing emmc...
Depressed OK! Write to tvservice partition OK!
Total write size: 0x3BFD200

>> mmc erase.p tvconfig
--56 %
MMC erase: dev # 0, user area part, block # 827912, count 32768 (unit: sector)...
32768 blocks erase: OK

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x9739000 0xda5c00
--57 %

>> mmc write.p 0x22E00000 tvconfig 0xDA5C00 1
--57 %
27950 blocks written: OK

>> mmc erase.p tvdatabase
--58 %
MMC erase: dev # 0, user area part, block # 861192, count 16384 (unit: sector)...
16384 blocks erase: OK

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0xa4df000 0x800000
--58 %

>> mmc write.p 0x22E00000 tvdatabase 0x800000 1
--59 %
16384 blocks written: OK

>> mmc erase.p tvcustomer
--59 %
MMC erase: dev # 0, user area part, block # 877576, count 131072 (unit: sector)...
131072 blocks erase: OK

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0xacdf000 0x4000000
--60 %

>> mmc write.p 0x22E00000 tvcustomer 0x4000000 1
--60 %
131072 blocks written: OK

>> mmc erase.p certificate
--61 %
skip cmd:mmc erase.p certificate

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0xecdf000 0x400000
--61 %

>> mmc write.p 0x22E00000 certificate 0x400000 1
--62 %
skip cmd:mmc write.p 0x22E00000 certificate 0x400000 1

>> mmc erase.p criticaldata
--62 %
skip cmd:mmc erase.p criticaldata

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0xf0df000 0x800000
--63 %

>> mmc write.p 0x22E00000 criticaldata 0x800000 1
--63 %
skip cmd:mmc write.p 0x22E00000 criticaldata 0x800000 1

>> mmc erase.p modeldata
--64 %
MMC erase: dev # 0, user area part, block # 1051656, count 262144 (unit: sector)...
262144 blocks erase: OK

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0xf8df000 0xe62000
--64 %

>> mmc write.p 0x22E00000 modeldata 0xE62000 1
--65 %
29456 blocks written: OK

>> mmc erase.p usrfs
--65 %
MMC erase: dev # 0, user area part, block # 1313800, count 512000 (unit: sector)...
512000 blocks erase: OK

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x10741000 0x25c78cf
--66 %

>> mmc unlzo 0x22E00000 0x25C78CF usrfs 1
--66 %
Uncompressing ...
Continue uncompressing and writing emmc...
Depressed OK! Write to usrfs partition OK!
Total write size: 0x5000000

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x12d09000 0x27e537f
--67 %

>> mmc unlzo.cont 0x22E00000 0x27E537F usrfs 1
--67 %
Uncompressing ...
Continue uncompressing and writing emmc...
Depressed OK! Write to usrfs partition OK!
Total write size: 0x5000000

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x154ef000 0x198bacd
--68 %

>> mmc unlzo.cont 0x22E00000 0x198BACD usrfs 1
--69 %
Uncompressing ...
Continue uncompressing and writing emmc...
Depressed OK! Write to usrfs partition OK!
Total write size: 0x38C8000

>> mmc erase.p optfs
--69 %
MMC erase: dev # 0, user area part, block # 1826312, count 1126400 (unit: sector)...
1126400 blocks erase: OK

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x16e7b000 0x317c3f4
--70 %

>> mmc unlzo 0x22E00000 0x317C3F4 optfs 1
--70 %
Uncompressing ...
Continue uncompressing and writing emmc...
Depressed OK! Write to optfs partition OK!
Total write size: 0x5000000

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x19ff8000 0x324ed4a
--71 %

>> mmc unlzo.cont 0x22E00000 0x324ED4A optfs 1
--71 %
Uncompressing ...
Continue uncompressing and writing emmc...
Depressed OK! Write to optfs partition OK!
Total write size: 0x5000000

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x1d247000 0x33fabc6
--72 %

>> mmc unlzo.cont 0x22E00000 0x33FABC6 optfs 1
--72 %
Uncompressing ...
Continue uncompressing and writing emmc...
Depressed OK! Write to optfs partition OK!
Total write size: 0x5000000

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x20642000 0x2139a39
--73 %

>> mmc unlzo.cont 0x22E00000 0x2139A39 optfs 1
--73 %
Uncompressing ...
Continue uncompressing and writing emmc...
Depressed OK! Write to optfs partition OK!
Total write size: 0x5000000

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x2277c000 0x21c7287
--74 %

>> mmc unlzo.cont 0x22E00000 0x21C7287 optfs 1
--74 %
Uncompressing ...
Continue uncompressing and writing emmc...
Depressed OK! Write to optfs partition OK!
Total write size: 0x5000000

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x24944000 0x13f871
--75 %

>> mmc unlzo.cont 0x22E00000 0x13F871 optfs 1
--75 %
Uncompressing ...
Depressed OK! Write to optfs partition OK!
Total write size: 0x1FD000

>> mmc erase.p varlfs
--76 %
MMC erase: dev # 0, user area part, block # 6331912, count 1024000 (unit: sector)...
1024000 blocks erase: OK

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x24a84000 0x232b427
--76 %

>> mmc unlzo 0x22E00000 0x232B427 varlfs 1
--77 %
Uncompressing ...
Continue uncompressing and writing emmc...
Depressed OK! Write to varlfs partition OK!
Total write size: 0x5000000

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x26db0000 0x32e129d
--77 %

>> mmc unlzo.cont 0x22E00000 0x32E129D varlfs 1
--78 %
Uncompressing ...
Continue uncompressing and writing emmc...
Depressed OK! Write to varlfs partition OK!
Total write size: 0x5000000

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x2a092000 0x5d5f6
--78 %

>> mmc unlzo.cont 0x22E00000 0x5D5F6 varlfs 1
--79 %
Uncompressing ...
Continue uncompressing and writing emmc...
Depressed OK! Write to varlfs partition OK!
Total write size: 0x5000000

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x2a0f0000 0x5d5f6
--79 %

>> mmc unlzo.cont 0x22E00000 0x5D5F6 varlfs 1
--80 %
Uncompressing ...
Continue uncompressing and writing emmc...
Depressed OK! Write to varlfs partition OK!
Total write size: 0x5000000

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x2a14e000 0x5d5f6
--80 %

>> mmc unlzo.cont 0x22E00000 0x5D5F6 varlfs 1
--81 %
Uncompressing ...
Continue uncompressing and writing emmc...
Depressed OK! Write to varlfs partition OK!
Total write size: 0x5000000

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x2a1ac000 0x5d5f6
--81 %

>> mmc unlzo.cont 0x22E00000 0x5D5F6 varlfs 1
--82 %
Uncompressing ...
Continue uncompressing and writing emmc...
Depressed OK! Write to varlfs partition OK!
Total write size: 0x5000000

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x2a20a000 0x175a6
--82 %

>> mmc unlzo.cont 0x22E00000 0x175A6 varlfs 1
--83 %
Uncompressing ...
Continue uncompressing and writing emmc...
Depressed OK! Write to varlfs partition OK!
Total write size: 0x1400000

>> mmc erase.p servicedata
--83 %
skip cmd:mmc erase.p servicedata

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x2a222000 0x1400000
--84 %

>> mmc write.p 0x22E00000 servicedata 0x1400000 1
--85 %
skip cmd:mmc write.p 0x22E00000 servicedata 0x1400000 1

>> mmc erase.p factorydata
--85 %
skip cmd:mmc erase.p factorydata

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x2b622000 0xa00000
--86 %

>> mmc write.p 0x22E00000 factorydata 0xA00000 1
--86 %
skip cmd:mmc write.p 0x22E00000 factorydata 0xA00000 1

>> mmc erase.p serialsdata
--87 %
MMC erase: dev # 0, user area part, block # 7426056, count 204800 (unit: sector)...
204800 blocks erase: OK

>> filepartload 0x22E00000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x2c022000 0x1cd1000
--87 %

>> mmc write.p 0x22E00000 serialsdata 0x1CD1000 1
--88 %
59016 blocks written: OK

>> setenv MS_RFS root=/dev/mmcblk0p4 rootfstype=squashfs rw rootwait
--88 %

>> setenv bootargs quiet console=ttyS0,115200 $(MS_RFS) init=/init CORE_DUMP_PATH=/var/core_dump.%%p.%e.%%t.gz
--89 %

>> setenv bootlogo_gopidx 0
--89 %

>> setenv bootlogo_buffer E_MMAP_ID_BOOTLOGO_BUFFER
--90 %

>> setenv str_crc 2
--90 %

>> setenv db_table 0
--91 %

>> setenv verify n
--91 %

>> setenv sync_mmap 1
--92 %

>> set no_compare_uboot 1
--92 %

>> setenv mboot_default_env 0
--93 %

>> setenv close_log no
--93 %

>> serials_model_select upgrade
--94 %
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK

>> setenv SerialsDeployFinished 0
--94 %

>> setenv partial_partition ON
--95 %

>> setenv enable_tcon_panel 1
--95 %

>> saveenv
--96 %
Saving Environment to MMC...
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK

>> mmc erase.p bootflag
--96 %
MMC erase: dev # 0, user area part, block # 65536, count 8 (unit: sector)...
8 blocks erase: OK

>> setenv upgrade_mode null
--97 %

>> setenv MstarUpgrade_complete 1
--97 %

>> setenv sync_mmap 1
--98 %

>> setenv db_table 0
--98 %

>> saveenv
--99 %
Saving Environment to MMC...
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK

>> printenv
--99 %
BOOT_KERNEL=KLm 0x25000000
BOOT_NUTTX=bootNuttx 0x1EC70000
KERNEL_PROTECT=DRAM_SIZE1=0x40000000 DRAM_SIZE2=0x40000000
LOAD_KERNEL=mmc read.p 0x25000000 KL 0x01000000; authenticateAN 0x25000000
LOAD_NUTTX=mmc read.p 0x5EC70000 tee 0x600000
MS_RFS=root=/dev/mmcblk0p4 rootfstype=squashfs rw rootwait
MUSB-02.05=CL565126(Oct 7 2018 - 07:53:46)
bootargs=quiet console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p4 rootfstype=squashfs rw rootwait init=/init CORE_DUMP_PATH=/var/core_dump.%%p.%e.%%t.gz select_serials_model=upgrade
bootcmd=if mmc rescan ${mmcdev}; then if run loadbootscript; then run bootscript; else if run loaduimage; then run mmcboot; fi; fi; fi
upgrade_history=01#|||HEA6100UWTS_2018-09-30 11:39:39_NULL

Environment size: 3932/65532 bytes
Failed to get the language from the environment,please checkFailed to get the language from the environment,please checkFailed to get the language from the environment,please checkFailed to get the language from the environment,please checkAP usb_xxx.bin upgrade OK!~
All Upgrade File Had Finished !!
skip update db_table for HE55A6100UWTS has selected in serials HEA6100UWTS
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
do_reset: Using RIU_MAP: 0x1F000000, at 57

Relocation Offset is: 01600000
[AT][MB][start ub][542]

U-Boot 2011.06-00209-g1074861-dirty (Sep 30 2018 - 09:57:50)

[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1060, current resource pri_shm content is: 0
[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1079, [SYS INFO] OPEN INSTANCE...
create instance at 2166DFD8 with private size 128 bytes at 2166E020
[MIU INFO] miu opencreate instance at 2166E0A8 with private size 80 bytes at 2166E0F0
create instance at 2166E148 with private size 48 bytes at 2166E190
No MMC device available
uboot held at [212DDF60~22E00000], size=01B220A0
DRAM: 46 MiB
Run in RAM - U-Boot at: 22300000

eMMC: HS400 200MHz
eMMC 3.63 GB [747FF8h]
eMMC SLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC MLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC pre_eol_info normal
MPOOL size : 0xA00000
u32EnvRescueOffset = 0x974000
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: No ethernet found.
Set MAC default
MAC: 0xA8: 0x82: 0x0: 0xFF:0xFF: 0xFF
mbootflag = 0x0, sboot_verify_flag = 0x0
[CPU INFO] cpu opencreate instance at 216B0270 with private size 44 bytes at 216B02B8
[CPU][Utopia]: CPUIoctl - MDrv_CMD_CPU_QueryClock
[UTOPIA INFO] close moduleNames[tu]: 0"▒0"▒0" 0"`0"▒0"xV4

[AT][MBoot][Driver Init][781]
[Wakeup] Source: NONE
AC on
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
MPOOL size : 0xA00000
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
mmc change mount : tvconfig
eMMC SLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC MLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC pre_eol_info normal
Size of file "/config/mmap.ini" from mmc device 0 partition tvconfig: 55255 bytes
eMMC SLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC MLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC pre_eol_info normal
Loading file "/config/mmap.ini" at offset 0x0 from mmc device 0 partition tvconfig
55255 bytes read
No E_LX_MEM4_ADR information
Saving Environment to MMC...
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
Customer key bank is not encrypted
Saving Environment to MMC...
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
3 blocks written: OK
3 blocks written: OK
Saving Environment to MMC...
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK

Changelist: 1046836
============= set bootargs ===============
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
AC on
[IR] Key: 0xFF, repeatflag: 0x48
[KeyPad] Key: 0xFF
Saving Environment to MMC...
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
[BootCheck] BootMode: 1
AC on
[MB][standby] Reboot Flag []
[MB][standby] resetFlag is 1,skip check standbymode.
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
create instance at 216C0DC0 with private size 348 bytes at 216B6680
[ERROR] MsDrv_PNL_Init:867: VB1 Link Type NA !!!!

MsDrv_PNL_Init:Bypass SetDivison
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PnlRiuBaseAddr = tx
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PMRiuBaseAddr = tx
LINK TYPE = EXT [_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][351]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=3840, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=2160
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][353]u16HTotal=4400,u16VTotal=2250,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=4400,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=2250, u16DefaultVFreq=600
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][403]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=3840, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=2160
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][405]u16HTotal=4400,u16VTotal=2250,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=4400,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=2250, u16DefaultVFreq=600
[MApi_XC_MLG_GetStatus, 2707]No instance existed, please get an instance by calling MApi_XC_Init() first
Init PWM2create instance at 216AD078 with private size 1876 bytes at 216B67E0

pc : [<223004F0>] lr : [<223DD674>]
sp : 20CFFFB8 ip : 22459A50 fp : 224C3B48
r10: 22459A38 r9 : 224A5080 r8 : 00000003
r7 : 00000004 r6 : 000000FF r5 : 1D38175C r4 : 224ABB60
r3 : 00000000 r2 : 1F000000 r1 : 000002AC r0 : 00000000
Flags: Nzcv IRQs off FIQs on Mode ABT_32

после прошивки ТВ не воскрес, теперь при включении гаснет красный светодиод дежурки и все!!! даже подсветки нет.
Data abort........

Relocation Offset is: 01600000
[AT][MB][start ub][528]

U-Boot 2011.06-00209-g1074861-dirty (Sep 30 2018 - 09:57:50)

[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1060, current resource pri_shm content is: 0
[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1079, [SYS INFO] OPEN INSTANCE...
create instance at 2166DFD8 with private size 128 bytes at 2166E020
[MIU INFO] miu opencreate instance at 2166E0A8 with private size 80 bytes at 2166E0F0
create instance at 2166E148 with private size 48 bytes at 2166E190
No MMC device available
uboot held at [212DDF60~22E00000], size=01B220A0
DRAM: 46 MiB
Run in RAM - U-Boot at: 22300000

eMMC: HS400 200MHz
eMMC 3.63 GB [747FF8h]
eMMC SLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC MLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC pre_eol_info normal
MPOOL size : 0xA00000
u32EnvRescueOffset = 0x974000
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: No ethernet found.
Set MAC default
MAC: 0xA8: 0x82: 0x0: 0xFF:0xFF: 0xFF
mbootflag = 0x0, sboot_verify_flag = 0x0
[CPU INFO] cpu opencreate instance at 216B0270 with private size 44 bytes at 216B02B8
[CPU][Utopia]: CPUIoctl - MDrv_CMD_CPU_QueryClock
[UTOPIA INFO] close moduleNames[tu]: 0"▒0"▒0" 0"`0"▒0"xV4

[AT][MBoot][Driver Init][786]
[Wakeup] Source: NONE
AC on
MPOOL size : 0xA00000

Changelist: 1046836
============= set bootargs ===============
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
AC on
[IR] Key: 0xFF, repeatflag: 0x48
[KeyPad] Key: 0xFF
[BootCheck] BootMode: 1
AC on
[MB][standby] Reboot Flag []
[MB][standby] mode = secondary
mmc change mount : tvconfig
eMMC SLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC MLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC pre_eol_info normal
Loading file "/config/PM.bin" at offset 0x0 from mmc device 0 partition tvconfig
24575 bytes read
Wait for PM51 standby...........PM51 run ok...........
[HI]=============== Enter Standby Mode =============== (1)[HI]

Relocation Offset is: 01600000
[AT][MB][start ub][542]

U-Boot 2011.06-00209-g1074861-dirty (Sep 30 2018 - 09:57:50)

[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1060, current resource pri_shm content is: 0
[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1079, [SYS INFO] OPEN INSTANCE...
create instance at 2166DFD8 with private size 128 bytes at 2166E020
[MIU INFO] miu opencreate instance at 2166E0A8 with private size 80 bytes at 2166E0F0
create instance at 2166E148 with private size 48 bytes at 2166E190
No MMC device available
uboot held at [212DDF60~22E00000], size=01B220A0
DRAM: 46 MiB
Run in RAM - U-Boot at: 22300000

eMMC: HS400 200MHz
eMMC 3.63 GB [747FF8h]
eMMC SLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC MLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC pre_eol_info normal
MPOOL size : 0xA00000
u32EnvRescueOffset = 0x974000
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: No ethernet found.
Set MAC default
MAC: 0xA8: 0x82: 0x0: 0xFF:0xFF: 0xFF
mbootflag = 0x0, sboot_verify_flag = 0x0
[CPU INFO] cpu opencreate instance at 216B0270 with private size 44 bytes at 216B02B8
[CPU][Utopia]: CPUIoctl - MDrv_CMD_CPU_QueryClock
[UTOPIA INFO] close moduleNames[tu]: 0"▒0"▒0" 0"`0"▒0"xV4

[AT][MBoot][Driver Init][803]
[Wakeup] Source: IR
DC on !!
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
MPOOL size : 0xA00000

Changelist: 1046836
============= set bootargs ===============
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
DC on !!
[IR] Key: 0xFF, repeatflag: 0x48
[KeyPad] Key: 0xFF
[BootCheck] BootMode: 1
DC on !!
create instance at 2169F100 with private size 348 bytes at 2169F148
[ERROR] MsDrv_PNL_Init:867: VB1 Link Type NA !!!!

MsDrv_PNL_Init:Bypass SetDivison
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PnlRiuBaseAddr = tx
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PMRiuBaseAddr = tx
LINK TYPE = EXT [_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][351]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=3840, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=2160
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][353]u16HTotal=4400,u16VTotal=2250,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=4400,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=2250, u16DefaultVFreq=600
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][403]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=3840, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=2160
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][405]u16HTotal=4400,u16VTotal=2250,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=4400,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=2250, u16DefaultVFreq=600
[MApi_XC_MLG_GetStatus, 2707]No instance existed, please get an instance by calling MApi_XC_Init() first
Init PWM2create instance at 2169F2A8 with private size 1876 bytes at 2169F2F0

pc : [<223004F0>] lr : [<223DD674>]
sp : 20CFFFB8 ip : 22459A50 fp : 224C3B48
r10: 22459A38 r9 : 224A5080 r8 : 00000003
r7 : 00000004 r6 : 000000FF r5 : 1D38175C r4 : 224ABB60
r3 : 00000000 r2 : 1F000000 r1 : 000002AC r0 : 00000000
Flags: Nzcv IRQs off FIQs on Mode ABT_32

Data abort........

Relocation Offset is: 01600000
[AT][MB][start ub][542]

U-Boot 2011.06-00209-g1074861-dirty (Sep 30 2018 - 09:57:50)

[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1060, current resource pri_shm content is: 0
[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1079, [SYS INFO] OPEN INSTANCE...
create instance at 2166DFD8 with private size 128 bytes at 2166E020
[MIU INFO] miu opencreate instance at 2166E0A8 with private size 80 bytes at 2166E0F0
create instance at 2166E148 with private size 48 bytes at 2166E190
No MMC device available
uboot held at [212DDF60~22E00000], size=01B220A0
DRAM: 46 MiB
Run in RAM - U-Boot at: 22300000

eMMC: HS400 200MHz
eMMC 3.63 GB [747FF8h]
eMMC SLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC MLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC pre_eol_info normal
MPOOL size : 0xA00000
u32EnvRescueOffset = 0x974000
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: No ethernet found.
Set MAC default
MAC: 0xA8: 0x82: 0x0: 0xFF:0xFF: 0xFF
mbootflag = 0x0, sboot_verify_flag = 0x0
[CPU INFO] cpu opencreate instance at 216B0270 with private size 44 bytes at 216B02B8
[CPU][Utopia]: CPUIoctl - MDrv_CMD_CPU_QueryClock
[UTOPIA INFO] close moduleNames[tu]: 0"▒0"▒0" 0"`0"▒0"xV4

[AT][MBoot][Driver Init][801]
[Wakeup] Source: NONE
AC on
MPOOL size : 0xA00000

Changelist: 1046836
============= set bootargs ===============
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
AC on
[IR] Key: 0xFF, repeatflag: 0x48
[KeyPad] Key: 0xFF
[BootCheck] BootMode: 1
AC on
[MB][standby] Reboot Flag []
[MB][standby] mode = secondary
mmc change mount : tvconfig
eMMC SLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC MLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC pre_eol_info normal
Loading file "/config/PM.bin" at offset 0x0 from mmc device 0 partition tvconfig
24575 bytes read
Wait for PM51 standby...........PM51 run ok...........
[HI]=============== Enter Standby Mode =============== (1)[HI]

минути 2 висит на: Data abort........, и выключается (переходит в дежурку).

У вас нет доступа для просмотра вложений:
1. Пожалуйста авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйтесь.
2. Вы должны иметь 15 (ПЯТНАДЦАТЬ) или более сообщений.
3. У нас можно купить доступ к файлам.

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 22 янв 2021, 10:58 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 13 фев 2016, 17:57
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 3467
Откуда: Tagan York
У этих тв emmc как мухи мрут.

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 22 янв 2021, 21:25 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 16 окт 2016, 15:57
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 2464
Откуда: Украина, Киев
Программатора под eMMC у меня нет, но могу к знакомому с ездить в гости, у него есть))
но для этого нужен дамп eMMC, может у кого есть? поделитесь пожалуйста
Написал письмо в техподдержку Hisense, жду ответ

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 22 янв 2021, 23:41 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 13 фев 2016, 17:57
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 3467
Откуда: Tagan York
Поддержка пришлет обновление.
Еммс надо сконфигурировать, залить буты, и запустить это обновление.
Дамп в чистом виде особо не нужен
---------- Добавлено спустя 10 минут 30 секунд: ----------
и все это больше похоже на смерть процессора

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 28 янв 2021, 22:10 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 16 окт 2016, 15:57
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 2464
Откуда: Украина, Киев
В общем техподдержка с офф.сайта направила меня в сервисный цент, никаких прошивок не дали))
После замени eMMC, ТВ дал картинку!!!
Вот лог загрузки рабочего ТВ:

Relocation Offset is: 01600000
[AT][MB][start ub][513]

U-Boot 2011.06-00209-g1074861-dirty (Sep 30 2018 - 09:57:50)

[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1060, current resource pri_shm content is: 0
[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1079, [SYS INFO] OPEN INSTANCE...
create instance at 2166DFD8 with private size 128 bytes at 2166E020
[MIU INFO] miu opencreate instance at 2166E0A8 with private size 80 bytes at 216 6E0F0
create instance at 2166E148 with private size 48 bytes at 2166E190
No MMC device available
uboot held at [212DDF60~22E00000], size=01B220A0
DRAM: 46 MiB
Run in RAM - U-Boot at: 22300000

eMMC: HS400 200MHz
eMMC 3.63 GB [747FF8h]
eMMC SLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC MLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC pre_eol_info normal
MPOOL size : 0xA00000
u32EnvRescueOffset = 0x974000
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: No ethernet found.
MAC: 0xA8: 0x82: 0x0: 0x5B:0x6C: 0xC7
mbootflag = 0x0, sboot_verify_flag = 0x0
[CPU INFO] cpu opencreate instance at 216B0270 with private size 44 bytes at 216 B02B8
[CPU][Utopia]: CPUIoctl - MDrv_CMD_CPU_QueryClock
[UTOPIA INFO] close moduleNames[tu]: 0"-0"-0" 0"`0"-0"xV4

[AT][MBoot][Driver Init][729]
[Wakeup] Source: NONE
AC on
MPOOL size : 0xA00000

Changelist: 1046836
============= set bootargs ===============
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
AC on
[IR] Key: 0xFF, repeatflag: 0x48
[KeyPad] Key: 0xFF
[BootCheck] BootMode: 1
AC on
[MB][standby] Reboot Flag []
[MB][standby] mode = secondary
mmc change mount : tvconfig
eMMC SLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC MLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC pre_eol_info normal
Loading file "/config/PM.bin" at offset 0x0 from mmc device 0 partition tvconfig
24575 bytes read
Wait for PM51 standby...........PM51 run ok...........
[HI]=============== Enter Standby Mode =============== (1)[HI]

Relocation Offset is: 01600000
[AT][MB][start ub][485]

U-Boot 2011.06-00209-g1074861-dirty (Sep 30 2018 - 09:57:50)

[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1060, current resource pri_shm content is: 0
[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1079, [SYS INFO] OPEN INSTANCE...
create instance at 2166DFD8 with private size 128 bytes at 2166E020
[MIU INFO] miu opencreate instance at 2166E0A8 with private size 80 bytes at 2166E0F0
create instance at 2166E148 with private size 48 bytes at 2166E190
No MMC device available
uboot held at [212DDF60~22E00000], size=01B220A0
DRAM: 46 MiB
Run in RAM - U-Boot at: 22300000

eMMC: HS400 200MHz
eMMC 3.63 GB [747FF8h]
eMMC SLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC MLC mmc type 0%-10% device life time used
eMMC pre_eol_info normal
MPOOL size : 0xA00000
u32EnvRescueOffset = 0x974000
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: No ethernet found.
MAC: 0xA8: 0x82: 0x0: 0x5B:0x6C: 0xC7
mbootflag = 0x0, sboot_verify_flag = 0x0
[CPU INFO] cpu opencreate instance at 216B0270 with private size 44 bytes at 216B02B8
[CPU][Utopia]: CPUIoctl - MDrv_CMD_CPU_QueryClock
[UTOPIA INFO] close moduleNames[tu]: 0"-0"-0" 0"`0"-0"xV4

[AT][MBoot][Driver Init][701]
[Wakeup] Source: IR
DC on !!
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
MPOOL size : 0xA00000

Changelist: 1046836
============= set bootargs ===============
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
DC on !!
[IR] Key: 0xFF, repeatflag: 0x48
[KeyPad] Key: 0xFF
[BootCheck] BootMode: 1
DC on !!
create instance at 2169F0F0 with private size 348 bytes at 2169F138
[ERROR] MsDrv_PNL_Init:867: VB1 Link Type NA !!!!

MsDrv_PNL_Init:Bypass SetDivison
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PnlRiuBaseAddr = tx
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PMRiuBaseAddr = tx
LINK TYPE = EXT [_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][351]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=3840, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=2160
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][353]u16HTotal=4400,u16VTotal=2250,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=4400,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=2250, u16DefaultVFreq=600
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][403]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=3840, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=2160
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][405]u16HTotal=4400,u16VTotal=2250,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=4400,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=2250, u16DefaultVFreq=600
[MApi_XC_MLG_GetStatus, 2707]No instance existed, please get an instance by calling MApi_XC_Init() first
Init PWM2create instance at 2169F298 with private size 1876 bytes at 2169F2E0
[panel_dinit] swing level set by tcon bin
No env pre_emphasis_val.

[AT][MB][bootlogo begin][1146]
create instance at 216B0670 with private size 312 bytes at 216B06B8
[AT][MB][JPD Decode][1245]

[UTOPIA INFO] close moduleNames[tu]: "`0"-0"-0" 0"`0"-0"xV4

[showLogo] GOP Boot Logo Index 0
create instance at 216B0670 with private size 1728 bytes at 216B06B8
[GOP API][Utopia]:
[GOP INFO] gop opencreate instance at 216B0D80 with private size 9596 bytes at 216B0DC8
create instance at 216B3348 with private size 1876 bytes at 216B3390
[GOP API][Utopia]: [_GOP_RegisterAllCBFunc][5648] fpSetFBFmt is NULL.(If on STR state, this is a normal message)
[GOP API][Utopia]: [_GOP_RegisterAllCBFunc][5700] fpEventNotify is NULL.(If on STR state, this is a normal message)
[GOP API][Utopia]: [_GOP_RegisterAllCBFunc][5714] fpXCSetDwinInfo is NULL.(If on STR state, this is a normal message)
[GOPIoctl][10469]GOP 3 is out of range
<<set_mirror H ON!!>>
[AT][MB][Show Logo][1343]
Wait for PM51 standby DRAM ...........PM51 run ok...........RFS size : 0x1400000
RFS size : 0x1400000
RFS size : 0x1400000
get OTA FLAG 0x00
tvservice size : 0x12C00000
tvservice size : 0x12C00000
tvservice size : 0x12C00000
tvservice size : 0x12C00000
tvservice size : 0x12C00000
R2 Boot from 0x3DF00000
[CPU INFO] cpu opencreate instance at 216B3B40 with private size 44 bytes at 216B3B88
E_MBX_CLASS_PM_WAIT - MBX register msg error
[BL][RTPM] open BL at mboot
[Wakeup] Source: IR
DC on !!
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
[AT][MBoot][Boot Nuttx][2264]
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 20400000 ...
Image Name: Linux-3.10.40
Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)
Data Size: 3267696 Bytes = 3.1 MiB
Load Address: 20208000
Entry Point: 20208000
Loading Kernel Image ... OK
[AT][MB][start kr][2297]

Starting kernel ...

Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.
SAR5=ON[AT][KR][reset timer][2738]
mtdoops: mtd device (mtddev=name/number) must be supplied
[AT][KR][start init][3084]
[AutoTest][Kernel][start Initprocess][3084]
starting pid 513, tty '': '/etc/init.d/rcS'
ln: block: Read-only file system
starting pid 748, tty '/dev/ttyS0': '-/bin/sh'
gen utopia dev...
gen ir dev...
chmod: /dev/fd: Operation not permitted
mount tvservice & tvconfig partition
mount hisense partition
mount: mounting /dev/mmcblk0p18 on /hidata/critical failed: Device or resource busy
mount: mounting /dev/mmcblk0p19 on /hidata/model failed: Device or resource busy
will restore sound volume to 0015
insert driver..
load wifi driver MT7668STA
sh config...
run setup.sh
insmod: can't insert '/tvservice/modules/wlan_mt76x8_usb.ko': unknown symbol in module or invalid parameter
start hisense stage 1 ...
/etc/setup.sh: line 28: ./secure_daemon: not found
[BIGBANG]: Force To Monitor PID Mode.
[BIGBANG]: ParsingCapInfo is done
[BIGBANG]: Total specified argv 6
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 875
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succeed, pid = 875
[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /apm
[BIGBANG]: Launching /apm/appmgr
[CAP]: set gid, [2900], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [2900], ret = [0]
unknown command /apm/appmgr
unknown command /apm/app.cfg
[MNGR]: AppManagerService created
[LIST]: ------------------------------- Total pre-defined auto start application count: 10
[LIST]: Loading application definition "demo_apm"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "MiSysSrv"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "upgradeprogress"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "ota_upgrade"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "boot_animation"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "SystemService"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "NetworkService"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "MiMwIpcSrv"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "syslogviewer"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "tvmain"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "apm_bond"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "dfb_keyevent_demo"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "CommonUI"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "ACR_Monitor"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "DIAL"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "SN"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "tvos"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Jarves"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Macula"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Netflix_Splash"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Netflix"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Netflix_Daemon"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "MstarLauncher"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "MWBLauncherMemoryMonitor"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "CinemaNow_US_HTML"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Vudu"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Pandora_HTML5"
[LIST]: unspecified app type, fall back to APP mode.
[LIST]: unspecified app type, fall back to NATIVE mode.
[LIST]: Loading application definition "SrafBrowserEngine"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf_Mediator"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf TvPortal"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf OpenBrowser"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf Youtube"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf Catal"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf iPlayer"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf News"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf Sport"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf STV Player"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf 4OD Player"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf 4OD H"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf iTV Harness"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf iTV Player"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf OD5 Player"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Sraf FLINGO"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "OpenBrowser"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "YTTV"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "TOONGOGGLES"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "FLINGO_EULA"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "HOTLIST"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "AMAZON"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "MEDIAMARKT"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "CATAL"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "iPlayer"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "BBCSports"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "BBCNews"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Facebook_widget"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Twitter_widget"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Picasa_widget"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "AccuWeather_widget"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Flickr_widget"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "Googlemap_widget"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "TerraTV_widget"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "GamePlayer"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "TTSPlayer"
[LIST]: Loading application definition "CheckTag"
[LIST]: unspecified app type, fall back to APP mode.
[LIST]: unspecified app type, fall back to NATIVE mode.
[LIST]: Loading application definition "AVPK"
[LIST]: ------------------------------- Total pre-defined application : 65
[MNGR]: Cannot find Android!
[MNGR]: Cannot find Android.Widget!
[MNGR]: AutoStarter thread created.
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(upgradeprogress, pid=875)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(upgradeprogress).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 204 bytes. Raw: (---name upgradeprogress ---path /apm/app_wrapper ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---argv /etc/upgradeprogress ---envv TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/upgradeprogress/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/upgradeprogress/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 15 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified argv 1
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 983
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 6 bytes. Raw: OK983

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /apm
[BIGBANG]: Launching /apm/app_wrapper
[CAP]: set gid, [60021], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60021], ret = [0]
App: /etc/upgradeprogress launched
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 983, client 0xd96b30)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=983, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(upgradeprogress).
[MNGR]: auto_start_delay 1 sec
[MNGR]: removeClient()
[[WARNNING]]: Find this client in clientlist
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(MiSysSrv, pid=875)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(MiSysSrv).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 228 bytes. Raw: (---name MiSysSrv ---path /apm/app_wrapper ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---argv /applications/bin/MiSysSrv /usr/local/scripts/signal_mainready.sh ---envv TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/MiSysSrv/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/MiSysSrv/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 16 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified argv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 999
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 6 bytes. Raw: OK999

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /apm
[BIGBANG]: Launching /apm/app_wrapper
[CAP]: set gid, [60006], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60006], ret = [0]
App: /applications/bin/MiSysSrv launched
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 999, client 0xb6300718)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=999, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(MiSysSrv).
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(SystemService, pid=875)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(SystemService).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 194 bytes. Raw: (---name SystemService ---path /applications/SystemService/SystemService ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---envv TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/SystemService/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/SystemService/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 13 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1002
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1002

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /applications/SystemService
[BIGBANG]: Launching /applications/SystemService/SystemService
[CAP]: set gid, [60080], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60080], ret = [0]
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1002, client 0xb6300828)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1002, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(SystemService).
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(NetworkService, pid=875)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(NetworkService).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 199 bytes. Raw: (---name NetworkService ---path /applications/NetworkService/NetworkService ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---envv TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/NetworkService/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/NetworkService/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 13 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1008
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1008

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /applications/NetworkService
[BIGBANG]: Launching /applications/NetworkService/NetworkService
[CAP]: set gid, [60099], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60099], ret = [0]
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1008, client 0xb6300938)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1008, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(NetworkService).
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(syslogviewer, pid=875)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(syslogviewer).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 229 bytes. Raw: (---name syslogviewer ---path /apm/app_wrapper ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---argv /usr/local/bin/syslogviewer -v -n 4 -N 2 -r 16000 -b 2 ---envv TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/syslogviewer/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/syslogviewer/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 24 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified argv 10
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1010
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1010

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /apm
[BIGBANG]: Launching /apm/app_wrapper
[CAP]: set gid, [60012], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60012], ret = [0]
App: /usr/local/bin/syslogviewer launched
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1010, client 0xb6300aa0)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1010, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(syslogviewer).
[MNGR]: RequestToRun(apm_bond, pid=875)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(apm_bond).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 160 bytes. Raw: (---name apm_bond ---path /usr/local/bin/apmbond ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---envv TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/apm_bond/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/apm_bond/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 13 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1016
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1016

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /usr/local/bin
[BIGBANG]: Launching /usr/local/bin/apmbond
[CAP]: set gid, [60009], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60011], ret = [0]
can't open the file!

SyslogViewer V0.1 (c)2010 Loewe Opta GmbH
[MNGR]: removeClient()
[[WARNNING]]: Find this client in clientlist
iniparser: cannot open /config/ProjectRule.ini
iniparser: cannot open /config/MiuSelectRule.ini
iniparser: cannot open /config/MiuSelectRule.ini
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1016, client 0xd979b8)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1016, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(apm_bond).
[MNGR]: >>>> init dfb key event thread
[MNGR]: ==>[apm_bond][pid 1016]onGetFocus().(Please ask apm_bond owner to check if not see callback function Entering & Leaving)
[MSOS][Utopia]: [003393] ~!~mappd sharemem @
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000687] pthread_mutex_init
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000689] CHIP_InitISR
[utopia info] utopia init
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 444, SEM_Init is opened
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 446, SEM Register finished
[DFB] can not use MApi_GOP_GetChipCaps before DFB initialize
DFB library build @ 2017-12-29 14:41
utopia phy : 32 bits, unpacked

(*) [DFB] config name = default_layer_opacity, value =255
(*) [DFB] config name = quiet, value =(null)
DFB Note: mst_ir_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_keypad_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_ir_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_keypad_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
_MI_MMC_Config_Path open failed, it will open default path!
open fail!!!!
mmc read from 0x0 0x400[EnvParse][1087]Error!!!
@@@@@ pSystemini->n : 6
@@@@ SetExtDFBRcCfg
_MI_MMC_Config_Path open failed, it will open default path!
open fail!!!!
mmc read from 0x0 0x400[EnvParse][1087]Error!!!
@@@@@ pSystemini->n : 6
Error, panel name not found!
iniparser: cannot open /config/ProjectRule.ini
iniparser: cannot open /config/MiuSelectRule.ini
dfb_system_lookup:419, module name = devmem (with Msos)
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000566] [MsOS_Init] already inited!

*** Open Keypad Device: Enable, Input Interval: 10000
@@@: Enable KeyPad...
@@@@ SetKEYPADCfg
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000566] [MsOS_Init] already inited!
[keypad][parse_Keypad_Channel]Keypad_CH1:bEnable is 0, no need parse then!
[keypad][parse_Keypad_Channel]Keypad_CH2:bEnable is 0, no need parse then!
[keypad][parse_Keypad_Channel]Keypad_CH3:bEnable is 0, no need parse then!
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000566] [MsOS_Init] already inited!
[MIU INFO] miu open[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1060, current resource pri_shm content is: 0
[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1079, [SYS INFO] OPEN INSTANCE...
[SYS][Utopia]: MDrv_SYS_GlobalInit finishedMDrv_PNL_Init u32PnlRiuBaseAddr = aac39000
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PMRiuBaseAddr = aad19000
[XC,Version] 00709801
[GOP API][Utopia]:
[GOP INFO] gop open

[GOPIoctl][10486]GOP 3 is out of range
[GOP DRV][Utopia]:
[MDrv_GOP_GWIN_GetDstPlane] not support gop3 in this chip version!![_GetBnkOfstByGop][274] Out of GOP support!!! GOP=3
[GOP DRV][Utopia]: [GOP_GWIN_TriggerRegWriteIn][939] GOP not support this GOPType = 3
[DFB] SetGOPDst layer:0, GOP:0
[DFB] SetGOPDst layer:1, GOP:1
[DFB] SetGOPDst layer:2, GOP:2
[GOP DRV][Utopia]:
_GOPFBAddCheck GOP[0] address(0x13fd0000) select from 1 to 0
[MNGR]: Setup display layer w x h
[KEYD]: MKeyEventList initialized.
[KEYD]: AppMgr: dispatch key thread created.
[APMLIB]: [callback onGetFocus|line 240] is Entering.
[APMLIB]: [callback onGetFocus|line 244] is Leaving.
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(tvmain, pid=875)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(tvmain).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 181 bytes. Raw: (---name tvmain ---path /apm/app_wrapper ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---argv /usr/local/bin/tvmain -D ---envv TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/tvmain/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/tvmain/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 16 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified argv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1089
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1089

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /apm
[BIGBANG]: Launching /apm/app_wrapper
[BIGBANG]: setgroups ret[0]
[CAP]: set gid, [60009], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60009], ret = [0]
App: /usr/local/bin/tvmain launched
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1089, client 0xd96b30)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1089, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(tvmain).
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(ota_upgrade, pid=875)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(ota_upgrade).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 198 bytes. Raw: (---name ota_upgrade ---path /apm/app_wrapper ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---argv /usr/local/bin/ota_upgrade ---envv TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/ota_upgrade/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/ota_upgrade/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 15 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified argv 1
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1096
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1096

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /apm
[BIGBANG]: Launching /apm/app_wrapper
[CAP]: set gid, [60021], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60021], ret = [0]
App: /usr/local/bin/ota_upgrade launched
-u /opt/hisenseUI/html/hisenseUI/index.html
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1096, client 0xd93b68)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1096, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(ota_upgrade).
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(boot_animation, pid=875)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(boot_animation).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 210 bytes. Raw: (---name boot_animation ---path /apm/app_wrapper ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---argv /usr/local/bin/boot_animation ---envv TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/boot_animation/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/boot_animation/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 15 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified argv 1
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1112
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1112

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /apm
[BIGBANG]: Launching /apm/app_wrapper
[CAP]: set gid, [60009], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60009], ret = [0]
App: /usr/local/bin/boot_animation launched
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1112, client 0xd93cc8)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1112, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(boot_animation).
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(TTSPlayer, pid=875)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(TTSPlayer).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 168 bytes. Raw: (---name TTSPlayer ---path /applications/TTS/TTSPlayer ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---envv TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/TTSPlayer/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/TTSPlayer/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 13 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1119
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1119

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /applications/TTS
[BIGBANG]: Launching /applications/TTS/TTSPlayer
[CAP]: set gid, [60070], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60070], ret = [0]
DFB library build @ 2017-12-29 14:41
utopia phy : 32 bits, unpacked
(*) [DFB] config name = default_layer_opacity, value =255
(*) [DFB] config name = quiet, value =(null)
DFB Note: mst_ir_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_keypad_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_ir_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_keypad_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
_MI_MMC_Config_Path open failed, it will open default path!
open fail!!!!
mmc read from 0x0 0x400[EnvParse][1087]Error!!!
@@@@@ pSystemini->n : 6
V/ ( 1002 1006): Receive CONNECT
V/ ( 1002 1007): Receive SYSTEM_INITIALIZEENV
@@@@ SetExtDFBRcCfg
_MI_MMC_Config_Path open failed, it will open default path!
open fail!!!!
mmc read from 0x0 0x400[EnvParse][1087]Error!!!
@@@@@ pSystemini->n : 6
[TTS]: >>>>Debug<<<< TTSPlayer Set Debug Level to 1, Debug Flag to 0
[TTS]: >>>>Debug<<<< TTSPlayer Version : 2.5.0
[ttsplayer.ini] load_ini_from_file, Cannot get :ALSA_SCHED_POLICY [ttsplayer.ini] load_ini_from_file, Cannot get :ENGINE_SCHED_POLICY [ttsplayer.ini] load_ini_from_file, Cannot get :SND_PCM_OPEN_NODE_NAME [ttsplayer.ini] load_ini_from_file, Cannot get :LANGUAGE_WITH_VOICES [TtsSetting] deserialize /applications/TTS/ttsengine.ini
Error, panel name not found!
[TtsSetting] deserialize /Customer/ttsplayer.ini
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1119, client 0xd973b0)
[MSOS][Utopia]: [003393] ~!~mappd sharemem @
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000687] pthread_mutex_init
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000689] CHIP_InitISR
[utopia info] utopia init
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 444, SEM_Init is opened
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 446, SEM Register finished
[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1060, current resource pri_shm content is: 0
[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1079, [SYS INFO] OPEN INSTANCE...
[TTS]: >>>>Debug<<<< Wrong TTS supported hash key or Without efuse IC on board.
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1119, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(TTSPlayer).
[MNGR]: auto_start_delay 3 sec
iniparser: cannot open /config/ProjectRule.ini
iniparser: cannot open /config/MiuSelectRule.ini
dfb_system_lookup:419, module name = devmem (with Msos)
[MSOS][Utopia]: [003393] ~!~mappd sharemem @
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000687] pthread_mutex_init
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000689] CHIP_InitISR
[utopia info] utopia init
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 444, SEM_Init is opened
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 446, SEM Register finished
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000566] [MsOS_Init] already inited!
[MIU INFO] miu open[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1060, current resource pri_shm content is: 0
[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1079, [SYS INFO] OPEN INSTANCE...
[HDCP2X] Failed to open MLog library: /mslib/libMLog.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[SYS][Utopia]: MDrv_SYS_GlobalInit finishedMDrv_PNL_Init u32PnlRiuBaseAddr = ac8a3000
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PMRiuBaseAddr = ac983000
[GOP API][Utopia]:
[GOP INFO] gop open
warning!!! Virtual Command queue has been activated!!
Dump PID(1108)(00000454) to file /tmp/pid_hisenseUI [MSOS][Utopia]: [003393] ~!~mappd sharemem @
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000687] pthread_mutex_init
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000689] CHIP_InitISR
[utopia info] utopia init
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 444, SEM_Init is opened
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 446, SEM Register finished
[DFB] can not use MApi_GOP_GetChipCaps before DFB initialize
DFB library build @ 2017-12-29 14:41
utopia phy : 32 bits, unpacked
[GOP DRV][Utopia]: [GOP_SetGopExtendGwinInfo]WidthEnd 0x780 >WidthStart 0x780
(*) [DFB] config name = default_layer_opacity, value =255
(*) [DFB] config name = quiet, value =(null)
DFB Note: mst_ir_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_keypad_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_ir_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_keypad_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
_MI_MMC_Config_Path open failed, it will open default path!
open fail!!!!
mmc read from 0x0 0x400[EnvParse][1087]Error!!!
@@@@@ pSystemini->n : 6
@@@@ SetExtDFBRcCfg
_MI_MMC_Config_Path open failed, it will open default path!
open fail!!!!
mmc read from 0x0 0x400[EnvParse][1087]Error!!!
@@@@@ pSystemini->n : 6
Error, panel name not found!
iniparser: cannot open /config/ProjectRule.ini
iniparser: cannot open /config/MiuSelectRule.ini
dfb_system_lookup:419, module name = devmem (with Msos)
[Note] dfb_layer_region_flip_update:layer 2 Gwin was disabled. Now Gwin Enable !
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000566] [MsOS_Init] already inited!
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000566] [MsOS_Init] already inited!
[MIU INFO] miu open[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1060, current resource pri_shm content is: 0
[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1079, [SYS INFO] OPEN INSTANCE...
[SYS][Utopia]: MDrv_SYS_GlobalInit finishedMDrv_PNL_Init u32PnlRiuBaseAddr = ac7ff000
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PMRiuBaseAddr = ac8df000
[GOP API][Utopia]:
[GOP INFO] gop open
[BootAnimation: 312L]INFO: logo index: 1, Home path:/usr/local/animation/hisense/
warning!!! Virtual Command queue has been activated!!
Setup EGL directfb surface(0x1542b00)
Initializing Opera (482d9573983c0dc88279250ad9cf51bf8752010b) [ pid = 1108 ] ...
Device Model Name = Hisense-MSD6586
[BootAnimation: 593L]INFO: Animation start ...
[MNGR]: removeClient()
[[WARNNING]]: Find this client in clientlist
V/ ( 1002 1006): Receive SYSTEM_INITIALIZEENV
V/ ( 1002 1007): Receive SYSTEM_SETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
V/ ( 1002 1006): Receive SYSTEM_SAVEENV
mark debug [SystemSaveEnv] [519]
mark debug [SystemSaveEnv] [525] [0]
V/ ( 1002 1007): Receive SYSTEM_GETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
V/ ( 1002 1006): Receive SYSTEM_SETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
V/ ( 1002 1007): Receive SYSTEM_SAVEENV
mark debug [SystemSaveEnv] [519]
mark debug [SystemSaveEnv] [525] [0]
V/ ( 1002 1006): Receive SYSTEM_GETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
| UVABackend* UVA_RequestBackend(UVABackend::UVABackendType, UVAClient*)
V/ ( 1002 1007): Receive SYSTEM_SETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
V/ ( 1002 1006): Receive SYSTEM_SAVEENV
mark debug [SystemSaveEnv] [519]
mark debug [SystemSaveEnv] [525] [0]
[MNGR]: AutoStarter thread terminating.
V/ ( 1002 1007): Receive CONNECT
V/ ( 1002 1006): Receive SYSTEM_INSMOD
V/ ( 1002 1007): Receive SYSTEM_SETTIMEOFDAY
insmod: can't insert '/tvservice/modules/cfg80211.ko': File exists
V/ ( 1002 1007): Receive SYSTEM_INSMOD
insmod: can't insert '/tvservice/modules/wlan_mt76x8_usb_prealloc.ko': File exists
V/ ( 1002 1006): Receive SYSTEM_INSMOD
V/ ( 1002 1297): Receive SYSTEM_SETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
V/ ( 1002 1288): Receive SYSTEM_SAVEENV
mark debug [SystemSaveEnv] [519]
mark debug [SystemSaveEnv] [525] [0]
V/ ( 1002 1007): Receive SYSTEM_GETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
V/ ( 1008 1011): Receive CONNECT
V/ ( 1008 1012): Receive NETWORK_OPEN3
V/ ( 1008 1011): Receive NETWORK_WRITE
V/ ( 1008 1012): Receive NETWORK_CLOSE
V/ ( 1002 1297): Receive SYSTEM_SETHOSTNAME
V/ ( 1008 1011): Receive NETWORK_OPEN3
V/ ( 1008 1012): Receive NETWORK_WRITE
V/ ( 1008 1011): Receive NETWORK_CLOSE
V/ ( 1008 1012): Receive NETWORK_WPACOMMAND
V/ ( 1008 1011): Receive NETWORK_WPACOMMAND
udhcpc (v1.22.1) started
cat: can't open '/dev/shm/ip_log': No such file or directory
Sending discover...
V/ ( 1008 1430): Receive NETWORK_OPEN3
V/ ( 1008 1012): Receive NETWORK_WRITE
V/ ( 1008 1011): Receive NETWORK_CLOSE
V/ ( 1008 1430): Receive NETWORK_WPACOMMAND
Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
skip wlan0 p2p init
rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
V/ ( 1002 1288): Receive SYSTEM_GETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
V/ ( 1002 1006): Receive SYSTEM_GETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
V/ ( 1002 1007): Receive SYSTEM_GETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
V/ ( 1002 1297): Receive SYSTEM_GETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
V/ ( 1002 1288): Receive SYSTEM_GETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
Sending discover...
V/ ( 1008 1012): Receive NETWORK_WPACOMMAND
V/ ( 1008 1011): Receive NETWORK_OPEN3
V/ ( 1008 1430): Receive NETWORK_WRITE
V/ ( 1008 1012): Receive NETWORK_CLOSE
V/ ( 1008 1011): Receive NETWORK_WPACOMMAND
V/ ( 1008 1012): Receive NETWORK_WPACOMMAND
udhcpc (v1.22.1) started
Sending discover...
[BootAnimation: 632L]INFO: Stopped by semaphore GUICLOSE
[BootAnimation: 682L]INFO: Animation exit with black screen...
mpool[0] Unmapping PA:[8C5A4000], VA:[AD3A8000], Size:[8A00000] done.
Function = MsOS_MPool_UnMapping, Line = 1367, releasing cma_memory is done
Fusion/Receiver: -> good bye! (pid=1117)
[GOP DRV][Utopia]: [GOP_SetGopExtendGwinInfo]WidthEnd 0x780 >WidthStart 0x780
[GOP API][Utopia]: ---GOP_AtExit 2983: PID[1117], TID[-1225043968] exited
[GOP API][Utopia]: ---GOP_AtExit 2983: PID[1117], TID[-1225043968] exited
[GOP API][Utopia]: ---GOP_AtExit 2983: PID[1117], TID[-1225043968] exited
[MNGR]: removeClient()
[[WARNNING]]: Find this client in clientlist
Sending discover...
Sending discover...
V/ ( 1002 1006): Receive SYSTEM_GETENV
LoadEnv first before set/get ENV.
Sending discover...
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(Netflix, pid=1016)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(Netflix).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 459 bytes. Raw: (---name Netflix ---path /applications/Netflix/bin/NetflixLauncher ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---envv NF_DATA_DIR=/appcache/Netflix_env/data LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/applications/Netflix/lib:/mslib:/mslib/utopia:/mslib/directfb-1.4-0/inputdrivers/:/config:/tvservice/conflictlib --il-directory=/appcache/Netflix_env/data/var/tiles/ --il-secret=mstaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/Netflix/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/Netflix/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 17 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 6
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1596
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1596

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /applications/Netflix/bin
[BIGBANG]: Launching /applications/Netflix/bin/NetflixLauncher
[CAP]: set gid, [60014], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60014], ret = [0]
[NetflixLauncher] App: Netflix launched
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1596, client 0xb6300a48)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1596, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(Netflix).
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(DIAL, pid=1016)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(DIAL).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 386 bytes. Raw: (---name DIAL ---path /applications/dial/dialserver ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---argv --customerization 1 ---envv LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mslib:/tvservice/conflictlib:/mslib/utopia DIAL_SETTING_PATH=/applications/dial/dialsetting.ini DIAL_APP_SETTING_PATH=/applications/dial/dialappsetting.ini DIAL_UUID=/Customer/DIAL_UUID TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/DIAL/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/DIAL/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 20 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified argv 2
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 6
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1611
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1611

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[BIGBANG]: Path : /applications/dial
[BIGBANG]: Launching /applications/dial/dialserver
[CAP]: set gid, [60002], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60002], ret = [0]
md5sum: WARNING: 1 of 1 computed checksums did NOT match
[NetflixLauncher] [isNetflixDaemonValid, 1041] Netflix binary checksum: FAILED !!! !!!
[NetflixLauncher] Load Netflix ini file success from /appcache/Netflix_env/data/etc/conf/NetflixInfo.ini

[DIAL]: debugSetCustomerization, customerization = 1
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1611, client 0xb6d00898)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1611, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(DIAL).
[NetflixLauncher] [runNetflixDaemon, 1005] run NetflixDaemon through APM_RequestToRunSilent with no param.
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(Netflix_Daemon, pid=1596)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(Netflix_Daemon).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 770 bytes. Raw: (---name Netflix_Daemon ---path /applications/Netflix/bin/netflix ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---argv --key-repeat-delay=300 --il-directory=/appcache/Netflix_env/data/var/tiles/ --il-secret=mstaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy --jsc-discard-compiled-code-threshold=120000 --no-dpi-support-dolby-vision ---envv NF_DATA_DIR=/appcache/Netflix_env/data LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/applications/Netflix/lib:/mslib:/mslib/utopia:/mslib/directfb-1.4-0/inputdrivers/:/config:/tvservice/conflictlib NF_INI_FILE_PATH=/appcache/Netflix_env/data/etc/conf/NetflixInfo.ini SN_TTSPLAYER_INI=/Customer/Supernova_TTS.ini ScriptToHandleSignal=/Customer/GenNetflixCrashReport.sh NF_DISPLAY_LAYER_ID=0 TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/Netflix_Daemon/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/Netflix_Daemon/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 25 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified argv 5
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 8
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1632
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1632

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
finished loading dial settings
@@@@ model name & friendly name from dialsetting ini ~~
+++++ GetDeviceModel +++++
[Get_ModelName, 245]:modelnameStr=Hisense_HE50A6100UWTS, len=21
+++++ GetFriendlyName +++++
[Get_FriendlyName, 181]:friendlynameStr=Smart TV, len=8
appLibGet <408> dlopen failed : /mslib/libcs.so
dial_platform_allregister <601> appLibGet failed
[BIGBANG]: Path : /applications/Netflix/bin
[BIGBANG]: Launching /applications/Netflix/bin/netflix
[CAP]: set gid, [60014], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60014], ret = [0]
launcher listening on gDialPort 56789
SSDP listening on
Sending discover...
Sending discover...
Sending discover...
Load Netflix ini file success
dumpIniMap ...
[0] Name:ALSA_Delay Value:0
[1] Name:CertificationVersion Value:0
[2] Name:DialParingCodePath Value:/dev/shm/dial_argv
[3] Name:DialSettingPath Value:/Customer/dialsetting.ini
[4] Name:ESNID Value:/certificate/netflix/ESNID
[5] Name:KeepVideoAR Value:1
[6] Name:Keymap Value:/appcache/Netflix_env/data/etc/conf/Netflix_Keymap.csv
[7] Name:KpeKph Value:/certificate/netflix/KpeKph
[8] Name:MM_NEW_AUDIO_MODE Value:1
[9] Name:PlayreadyCurlTimeout Value:1
[12] Name:SWVersion Value:V0000.01.00a.I0930/
[13] Name:SecureData Value:/Customer/sData
[14] Name:TTSLibPath Value:/tvservice/conflictlib/libTTSClient.so
[15] Name:TVHeight Value:62.0
[16] Name:TVWidth Value:111.0
[17] Name:TeeLogEnable Value:0
[18] Name:UnderFlow2Threshold Value:3145728
[19] Name:UnderFlow3Threshold Value:3000
[20] Name:VideoPushBuffer Value:3145728
[21] Name:Video_Start_Threshold Value:250
[22] Name:WiredLanDefaultInterface Value:eth0
[23] Name:ZeroALSADataSize Value:16
dumpIniMap finish
===================GO to Netflix APM_Join ==================================
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1632, client 0xb6325910)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1632, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(Netflix_Daemon).
[MNGR]: RequestToRunSilent(Netflix_Splash, pid=1016)
[MNGR]: ExecuteProgram(Netflix_Splash).
[BIGBANG]: client connected to BigBang.. skt = 4
[BIGBANG]: receive 499 bytes. Raw: (---name Netflix_Splash ---path /applications/Netflix/bin/nfxdevsplash ---uid 0 ---gid 0 ---priority 0 ---envv NF_DATA_DIR=/appcache/Netflix_env/data LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/applications/Netflix/lib:/mslib:/mslib/utopia:/mslib/directfb-1.4-0/inputdrivers/:/config:/tvservice/conflictlib --il-directory=/appcache/Netflix_env/data/var/tiles/ --il-secret=mstaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy NF_DISPLAY_LAYER_ID=0 TMPDIR=/Customer/apps/Netflix_Splash/tmpfs DATADIR=/Customer/apps/Netflix_Splash/nvm)
[BIGBANG]: Total 18 items
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv 7
[BIGBANG]: Total specified envv are parsed.
[BIGBANG]: Launch app succseed for child process pid = 1710
[BIGBANG]: Ack msg send 7 bytes. Raw: OK1710

[BIGBANG]: server thread socket 3 waiting connection..
[Netflix_Daemon] [CopyGenCrashReportScript, 468]CopyReportcmd: cp -f /appcache/Netflix_env/data/GenNetflixCrashReport.sh /Customer/GenNetflixCrashReport.sh
[BIGBANG]: Path : /applications/Netflix/bin
[BIGBANG]: Launching /applications/Netflix/bin/nfxdevsplash
[CAP]: set gid, [60014], ret = [0]
[CAP]: set uid, [60014], ret = [0]
[Netflix_Daemon] [CopyGenCrashReportScript, 472]SetReportLocationcmd: sed -i "s/CRASHREPORT_DATA=.*/CRASHREPORT_DATA=\/appcache\/Netflix_env\/data\/netflix_report/g" /Customer/GenNetflixCrashReport.sh
[MSOS][Utopia]: [003393] ~!~mappd sharemem @
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000687] pthread_mutex_init
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000689] CHIP_InitISR
[utopia info] utopia init
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 444, SEM_Init is opened
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 446, SEM Register finished
App: Netflix_Splash launched
[MNGR]: AppManagerService::GetService(callingPid 1710, client 0xb6400520)
[MNGR]: Join(pid=1710, key=0).
[MNGR]: Join success(Netflix_Splash).
[NetflixLauncher] [NFLogReport_CheckLaunch, 736] Netflix_Daemon launch sucessfully!
[MNGR]: Leave(1596).
[MNGR]: ==>onDestroy(Netflix)[pid 1596].(Please ask Netflix owner to check if not see callback function Entering & Leaving)
[APMLIB]: [callback onDestroy|line 208] is Entering.
[NetflixLauncher] [OnDestroy,287] Netflix OnDestroy() callback -- wait for destroy application
[APMLIB]: _leave_key_receiver : KeyQNotifyLock destroy fail
[APMLIB]: [callback onDestroy|line 232] is Leaving.
[MNGR]: TerminateProgram(Netflix,pid=1596).
[MNGR]: ==>[apm_bond][pid 1016]onLoseFocus().(Please ask apm_bond owner to check if not see callback function Entering & Leaving)
[APMLIB]: [callback onLoseFocus|line 252] is Entering.
[APMLIB]: [callback onLoseFocus|line 256] is Leaving.
[MNGR]: ==>[apm_bond][pid 1016]onGetFocus().(Please ask apm_bond owner to check if not see callback function Entering & Leaving)
[APMLIB]: [callback onGetFocus|line 240] is Entering.
[APMLIB]: [callback onGetFocus|line 244] is Leaving.
[MNGR]: removeClient()
[Netflix_Splash] Load Netflix ini file success from /appcache/Netflix_env/data/etc/conf/NetflixInfo.ini
[Netflix_Splash] Register signal successfully!
DFB library build @ 2017-12-29 14:41
utopia phy : 32 bits, unpacked

(*) [DFB] config name = default_layer_opacity, value =255
(*) [DFB] config name = quiet, value =(null)
DFB Note: mst_ir_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_keypad_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_ir_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
DFB Note: mst_keypad_repeat_time be set to 350 ms
_MI_MMC_Config_Path open failed, it will open default path!
open fail!!!!
mmc read from 0x0 0x400[EnvParse][1087]Error!!!
@@@@@ pSystemini->n : 6
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000566] [MsOS_Init] already inited!
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000566] [MsOS_Init] already inited!
[MIU INFO] miu open[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1060, current resource pri_shm content is: 0
[SYS][Utopia]: Function = SYSOpen, Line = 1079, [SYS INFO] OPEN INSTANCE...
[SYS][Utopia]: MDrv_SYS_GlobalInit finished[IPAUTH][Utopia]:
[IPAUTH][Utopia]: Auth OK
[SYS] Unknown query!
[SYS] Unknown query!
[IPAUTH][Utopia]: Auth OK
[SYS] Unknown query!
[SYS] Unknown query!
license to run NETFLIX !!

======================> TEEC_Initialize
libTEEClient.so MSIF TEE_-28.04.71fd8bf.2017060511
get mmap:/config/mmap.ini
SHMPhyAddr =3f000000
SHMPhyBufLen =200000
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000566] [MsOS_Init] already inited!
libSema.so MSIF TEE_-28.04.71fd8bf.2017060511
Memory attached at 3039920128

NRD: The build data: Apr 14 2016 and time: 16:56:43

======================> Open a new session : 3
=====from CA info: =====
NRD: The build data: Apr 14 2016 and time: 16:56:43
NRD: version-3.004.1526941
=====from TA info: =====
NRD: The build data: Apr 14 2016 and time: 16:54:57
NRD: version-3.004.1526941
TEEC_OpenSession finish
[gibbon_oem_start, 1233], ESNPath=/certificate/netflix/ESNID
[gibbon_oem_start, 1240], KpeKphPath=/certificate/netflix/KpeKph
[gibbon_oem_start, 1247], secureDataPath=/Customer/sData
gibbon_oem_start: line:1252 ret=1, out ==============

[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_event, 508] case: GibbonOEM_Init
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1339] ==== gibbon_oem_ReadDialParingCode====
[MNGR]: IsAtomicFinished(pid=1632) (type=0).
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1348]: Finish to do all launch atomic callback!
[Netflix_Daemon] [ParseSourceSuspendType, 708] gSourceTypeParam=source_type=22&additionalDataUrl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A56789%2Fapps%2FNetflix%2Fdial_data%3F
[Netflix_Daemon] [ParseSourceSuspendType, 709] gSuspendParam=--suspend=true
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1394] ==== argv[0] is /applications/Netflix/bin/netflix ====
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1394] ==== argv[1] is --key-repeat-delay=300 ====
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1394] ==== argv[2] is --il-directory=/appcache/Netflix_env/data/var/tiles/ ====
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1394] ==== argv[3] is --il-secret=mstaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ====
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1394] ==== argv[4] is --jsc-discard-compiled-code-threshold=120000 ====
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1394] ==== argv[5] is --no-dpi-support-dolby-vision ====
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1394] ==== argv[6] is -Q ====
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1394] ==== argv[7] is source_type=22&additionalDataUrl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A56789%2Fapps%2FNetflix%2Fdial_data%3F ====
[Netflix_Daemon] [gibbon_oem_AppendSpecifiedArgv, 1394] ==== argv[8] is --suspend=true ====
[Netflix_Daemon] [monitor_nfx_mode, 887] bind address successful!!
Try to open keyMapFile:/appcache/Netflix_env/data/etc/conf/Netflix_Keymap.csv
read /appcache/Netflix_env/data/etc/conf/Netflix_Keymap.csv success. event type keymap size : 171, unicode keymap size : 95
[ModelGroupFileSystem, 427], filePath1=/certificate/netflix/ESNID
[ModelGroupFileSystem, 428], filePath2=/certificate/netflix/KpeKph
read ESN, /certificate/netflix/ESNID
copy ESN form TEE
Read KpeKph, /certificate/netflix/KpeKph
copy kpe and kph form TEE
====>mKpe: size=16
0x2b, 0x29, 0x99, 0xee, 0x63, 0x20, 0x0c, 0x46, 0xfe, 0x1e, 0x69, 0xfe, 0x54, 0x1f, 0x6b, 0xcc
====>mKph: size=32
0xb2, 0xcf, 0xd1, 0x0f, 0x06, 0x1e, 0x07, 0x9d, 0x6e, 0x63, 0x3e, 0x45, 0x38, 0xa9, 0x5f, 0xbe
0xe9, 0x9f, 0x13, 0x50, 0x21, 0x2d, 0x8b, 0x3d, 0x09, 0x8d, 0x8b, 0x43, 0x65, 0xf7, 0x7c, 0x36
@@@@ SetExtDFBRcCfg
_MI_MMC_Config_Path open failed, it will open default path!
open fail!!!!
mmc read from 0x0 0x400[EnvParse][1087]Error!!!
@@@@@ pSystemini->n : 6
[TTS]: >>>>Debug<<<< TTSPClient Set Debug Level to 1, Debug Flag to 0
[TTS]: >>>>Debug<<<< TTS Client : permission denied
[ttsplayer.ini] load_ini_from_file, Cannot get :ALSA_SCHED_POLICY [ttsplayer.ini] load_ini_from_file, Cannot get :ENGINE_SCHED_POLICY [ttsplayer.ini] load_ini_from_file, Cannot get :SND_PCM_OPEN_NODE_NAME [ttsplayer.ini] load_ini_from_file, Cannot get :LANGUAGE_WITH_VOICES [Netflix_Daemon] [TextToSpeechFestival, 208] Failed to connect TTSPlayer through IPC.[retVal: -10]
[loadEncrypted, 672], mEncryptedFile.c_str()=/Customer/sData
FileSystem::loadEncrypted() load data from TEE size=7205
Error, panel name not found!
dump: ncf_kpe, len=16
0x2b, 0x29, 0x99, 0xee, 0x63, 0x20, 0x0c, 0x46, 0xfe, 0x1e, 0x69, 0xfe, 0x54, 0x1f, 0x6b, 0xcc,

dump: ncf_kph, len=32
0xb2, 0xcf, 0xd1, 0x0f, 0x06, 0x1e, 0x07, 0x9d, 0x6e, 0x63, 0x3e, 0x45, 0x38, 0xa9, 0x5f, 0xbe,
0xe9, 0x9f, 0x13, 0x50, 0x21, 0x2d, 0x8b, 0x3d, 0x09, 0x8d, 0x8b, 0x43, 0x65, 0xf7, 0x7c, 0x36,

dump: kpw, len=32
0x8e, 0x4b, 0xb8, 0x0a, 0xd2, 0x7b, 0x7e, 0x06, 0xa5, 0x76, 0x44, 0xc9, 0x99, 0x6d, 0x3e, 0x2c,
0x84, 0xce, 0x1d, 0x4e, 0x23, 0x54, 0x11, 0x81, 0x3b, 0xed, 0x4c, 0xd0, 0xf1, 0x21, 0x2c, 0x34,

iniparser: cannot open /config/ProjectRule.ini
iniparser: cannot open /config/MiuSelectRule.ini
dfb_system_lookup:419, module name = devmem (with Msos)
[MSOS][Utopia]: [003393] ~!~mappd sharemem @
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000687] pthread_mutex_init
[MSOS][Utopia]: [000689] CHIP_InitISR
[utopia info] utopia init
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 444, SEM_Init is opened
[SEM][Utopia]: Function = SEMRegisterToUtopia, Line = 446, SEM Register finished

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 29 янв 2021, 10:41 
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Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 13 фев 2016, 17:57
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 3467
Откуда: Tagan York
vova_w810i писал(а):
После замени eMMC, ТВ дал картинку!!!

Что и следовало ожидать

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 01 фев 2021, 15:11 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 16 окт 2016, 15:57
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 2464
Откуда: Украина, Киев
Счастье длилось не долго, ТВ начал выключатся через 2-4мин работы, после нескольких выключений с розетки запускается и работает, или после полного сброса.
Вечером гляну лог.
В кого какие мысли по этому поводу?

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 01 фев 2021, 15:15 
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 13 дек 2020, 14:08
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 222
Откуда: Макеевка
vova_w810i писал(а):
Счастье длилось не долго, ТВ начал выключатся через 2-4мин работы, после нескольких выключений с розетки запускается и работает, или после полного сброса.
Вечером гляну лог.
В кого какие мысли по этому поводу?

В emmc родной дамп лили? И после прошивки обновление через usb делали?

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 01 фев 2021, 16:09 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 13 фев 2016, 17:57
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 3467
Откуда: Tagan York
А новая ли она была :ps_ih:

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 01 фев 2021, 16:41 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 16 окт 2016, 15:57
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 2464
Откуда: Украина, Киев
eMMC новая!!!
разметка была по старой флехе, после запуска обновил с юсб флешки.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 09 фев 2021, 23:37 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 16 окт 2016, 15:57
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 2464
Откуда: Украина, Киев
Думаю проблема в RAM, по логу ее очень мало: DRAM: 46 MiB, маловато для современного ТВ
пару дней назад ремонтировал PHILIPS старенький, так у него: DRAM: 725.3 MiB
на майне стоит 4 микрухи SK Hynix H5TQ4G63CFR-RDC
Что скажете ?

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 10 фев 2021, 00:37 
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 13 дек 2020, 14:08
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 222
Откуда: Макеевка
Скажу, что скорее отвал проца

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 10 фев 2021, 01:45 
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 08 янв 2013, 15:50
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 46
Откуда: Mukachevo
vova_w810i писал(а):
Думаю проблема в RAM

Очень редко когда проблема в ней.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 24 мар 2021, 22:32 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 16 окт 2016, 15:57
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 2464
Откуда: Украина, Киев
сегодня опять добрался к ТВ
зашел в сервисное меню, а там ID телика для 50 диагонали, решил изменить, не получается, вернее не сохраняет!
возможно я не так сохраняю, нажимаю ОК, исчезает меню и горит зеленая М в углу, захожу опять в сервис, все по старому!
может ли ID влиять на такое поведения ТВ?
---------- Добавлено спустя 1 час 7 минут 33 секунды: ----------
DRAM: 46 MiB
[ERROR] MsDrv_PNL_Init:867: VB1 Link Type NA !!!!

вот эти строчки в загрузке это нормально, сравнил с логом считанный с полностью рабочего ТВ, отличие нашел только в такой строчке:
Run in RAM - U-Boot at: 22300000 - это на моем пациенте.
Now running in RAM - U-Boot at: 22400000 - это на рабочем.

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3. У нас можно купить доступ к файлам.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 26 мар 2021, 13:31 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 16 окт 2016, 15:57
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 2464
Откуда: Украина, Киев
Может у кого есть дамп ММС, поделитесь пожалуйста

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 30 мар 2021, 11:09 
Я тут случайно
Я тут случайно
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 30 мар 2021, 10:56
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 1
Откуда: Ижевск
vova_w810i Как обновляли аппарат с USB флешки?
Длительное нажатие на кнопку включения на пульте ДУ и включение телевизора в сеть или из дежурного режима длительное нажатие на кнопку включения на ДУ?
Название файла обновления usb_HEA6100UWTS.bin поменяли на upgrade_loader.bin ?

Не в сети
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Hisense H55A6100 нет изображения
СообщениеДобавлено: 30 мар 2021, 19:37 
Продвинутый форумчанин
Продвинутый форумчанин
Аватара пользователя
Зарегистрирован: 16 окт 2016, 15:57
Наличности на руках:

Сообщения: 2464
Откуда: Украина, Киев
Тот файл что прислала техподдержка с офф.сайта так не запустился, а вот другой найденный в нете таким образом как вы описали обновил изначально, результата не дало!!!

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15 янв 2021, 20:36

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25 ноя 2016, 14:28

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30 апр 2017, 04:56

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10 сен 2018, 15:53

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В этой теме нет новых непрочитанных сообщений. Hisense LCD42V88PE DUMP

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