Здравствуйте разыскиваю boardview от CG411p rev 1.0 Asus Strix 1070. всети нигде не нашел кроме
https://www.chinafix.com/thread-1265978-1-1.html непонятной мне сайта. Я не могу зарегистрироваться. Может кто нибудь мне этот 7z файл скачает?
Заранее спасибо.
I need a specific boardview of a cg411p rev 1.0 board. It's an Asus Strix GTX 1070 card. The only place I have found it is on chinafix.com but the problem is that they are not letting me sign in. Maybe because I am from Germany. I am trying now for weeks to get this file, but no luck.
So please if someone has access to chinafix and could kindly send this archive to me or could make it publicly available I would be very thankful.