Pandemonium6 писал(а):
No activity on the bios chip is very bad. It may be a total GPU failure. Level shifter does not involve a ground. It is driven by the ground and open circuit and signals are based on pull up resistors. It looks like this level shifter mosfet is shoot through and at the same time the GPIO pin from his GPU has almost short. It does not look good.
I need schematic to tell for sure. If it goes directly to the chip it is more than game over. What resistances are on 3.3 and 1.8 ?
If Q502 is missing, how does te circuit look like?
I did a very stupid mistake
. The signal that was shorted is PEX_RST - found U513 shorted (NL17SZ08DFT2G) and replace with NC7SVL08P5X.
The card is starting only sometimes used as the primary (with screen image) - can run benchmarks and it's stable.
As secondary is running all the time.
I will dig more. Thank you very much for your reply.
Russian translation (Google Translate)
Я сделал очень глупую ошибку: wo_ol:. Замкнутый сигнал - PEX_RST - обнаружено, что U513 закорочен (NL17SZ08DFT2G) и замените его на NC7SVL08P5X.
Карта запускается только иногда, используется как основная (с изображением экрана) - может запускать тесты и стабильно.
Поскольку вторичный работает все время.
Буду еще копать. Спасибо вам большое за ваш ответ.