I used this
http://www.anpec.com.tw/ashx_prod_file.ashx?prod_id=533&file_path=20131021173259868.pdf&original_name=APW8722A/B/C/D.pdf datasheet for the singals, the chip is still the original GS type from other working card. What is the difference between the normal apw8722 and the A variant? The feedback reference voltage is the same, just the frequency is different. The APW8722A/D is the same 600kHz and the A has the inductor current limit so I guess the A verison is the same as the original GS...
The enable is a bit low, around 500mV, but it's also a comp pin.
R1022 is not placed and I've lifted Q1016 transistors 6th leg. This way the VDDCI should start when the card (the GS chip and the high side fet) gets 12V, but still nothing.
At the moment the other two "working" card have the correct enable and fb voltage untill the green screen crash. The card with the removed core doesn't have VDDCI at all but it didn't had it with the GPU core on the card after I heated the pcb area of the VDDCI (because I emoved the fets to measure them).
One thing I've noticed is the core VDDCI resistance is a bit low on all three cards, under 20ohms at 22°C but the core works fine on an other Sapphire board. And I've measured it on the desoldered core too and really the core resistance is low, not something on the PCB.