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Galax rtx 3090 Hall of Fame https://vlab.su/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=145782 |
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frankmnld [ 29 ноя 2024, 13:15 ] | |
Заголовок сообщения: | Galax rtx 3090 Hall of Fame |
Good day experts. i have bought a pcb RTX 3090 galax hall of fame, pcb has 12v, 5v, 3.3v and 1.8v present,. and Nvdd, msvdd, fbvdd and pex are missing., As per the seller the pcb is fully functional yet it is not, now he insist that it will not work untill i put a gpu chip on it,. i am confused as per other brands where the pcb is fully functional with all voltages without gpu chip and vram,. Does anyone know if this specific brand has anything different that it will not raise the voltages without gpu chip..? Thankls |
ruzalit [ 29 ноя 2024, 13:21 ] | |
Заголовок сообщения: | Re: Galax rtx 3090 Hall of Fame |
На некоторых платах без видеочипа напряжение повышается выше нормы, плату нельзя включать без видеочипа, иначе видеопамять сгорит. |
frankmnld [ 29 ноя 2024, 13:34 ] | |
Заголовок сообщения: | Re: Galax rtx 3090 Hall of Fame |
ruzalit писал(а): On some boards without a video chip, the voltage rises above the norm; the board cannot be turned on without a video chip, otherwise the video memory will burn out. Ok, yes, i only see msvdd raises to 1.7v and then drops down to zero, but nvdd and fbvdd stays 0 and pex also at 0,. So..? is this behaviour normal..? |
ruzalit [ 29 ноя 2024, 13:40 ] | |
Заголовок сообщения: | Re: Galax rtx 3090 Hall of Fame |
Зачем так рисковать, видеочип нужно установить , если боитесь испортить рабочий видеочип, можно установить неисправный с подбитым каналом видеопамяти для проверки напряжений. |
frankmnld [ 29 ноя 2024, 13:48 ] | |
Заголовок сообщения: | Re: Galax rtx 3090 Hall of Fame |
ruzalit писал(а): Why take such a risk, the video chip needs to be installed, if you are afraid of damaging the working video chip, you can install a faulty one with a damaged video memory channel to check the voltages. Yes, i do not want to risk the chip, i dont have any other damaged chip,. there is no video memory on the board so that is not an issue, i just want to be sure if this behavior is normal then i can install the gpu chip on it.. |
ruzalit [ 29 ноя 2024, 14:13 ] | |
Заголовок сообщения: | Re: Galax rtx 3090 Hall of Fame |
Скорее всего без видеочипа на шим не приходит сигнал en для включения. Вам придется установить видеочип. |
frankmnld [ 29 ноя 2024, 14:30 ] | |
Заголовок сообщения: | Re: Galax rtx 3090 Hall of Fame |
Hmm. Ok then. Going to weld the gpu on it.. |
frankmnld [ 30 ноя 2024, 03:31 ] | |
Заголовок сообщения: | Re: Galax rtx 3090 Hall of Fame |
GPU planted all measurements normal yet card is not functional.. seller agreed that its faulty.. returned to seller.. Thanks for your time. |
ruzalit [ 30 ноя 2024, 09:56 ] | |
Заголовок сообщения: | Re: Galax rtx 3090 Hall of Fame |
Питания не появились? |
frankmnld [ 30 ноя 2024, 18:30 ] | |
Заголовок сообщения: | Re: Galax rtx 3090 Hall of Fame |
Nope. Nothing. After planting chip nvvdd, fbvdd and pex did not came on. Only msvdd rises and goes back down to mv. |
ruzalit [ 30 ноя 2024, 22:14 ] | |
Заголовок сообщения: | Re: Galax rtx 3090 Hall of Fame |
Надо было проверить сначала порядок появления напряжений power sequence , 3.3v, 12v, 5v, 1,8v, nvvdd, pex_vdd, fbvdd Возможно, отвалились детали платы, неисправен DRMOS в цепи nvvdd. |
frankmnld [ 02 дек 2024, 01:28 ] | |
Заголовок сообщения: | Re: Galax rtx 3090 Hall of Fame |
Thats correct. But as per the board did not started the seller did not agreed to test or repair further. He just took it back and i just gave it without asking if i need to measure anything. He replaced it with asus strix pcb which is functional and i guess the HOF pcb he returned further to someone. |
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