Можно сбросить через джампер и стандартный пароль. Вот что нашел:
You can bypass the password by removing the jumper marked password on the motherboard. Mine was next to the battery on the mother board This eliminates the original password which will allows you to sign in. However you cannot change the password with the jumper removed. you must put the jumper back in to change the pass. Therefore remove it and boot into your bios setup. Under security you can change the password by putting the jumper back in and continue with password changes by first entering nothing in the space marked password just click through each question by leaving it blank. then go back and put the password you want or leave it blank if you don't want one. if you don't want one at all, save changes and exit bios setup. Hope i explained it okay. good luck, once you remove that password jumper it's easy just take one step at a time