One side of the resistor is connected to the PHASE before COIL, so it has fast oscillation in at least 12V range. The other side is connected to a
small capacitance capacitor to ground (1000pF, 50V, X7R).
The similar resistor+capacitor present in 1070 reference design.
Unfortunately I has zero undestanding of filtering in electronics. Maybe it tries to filter very high voltages that may appear in a very short periods (MUCH less than 1us) while switching between low and high sides.
However, there is thoughts from the practical side:
- card will work fine at least at light load if either resistor or capacitor is missing.
- replacing one of them with element with a wrong value looks very risky. High capacity, low capacitor voltage limit or zero resistance - looks risky and leading to unpredictable results.
- So, if either resistor or capacitor is absent/damaged, verify twice before replacing. Using without one of them is less problematic than using with incorrect replacement.