77romantik77 писал(а):
Это сигналы инверсные, они активны если на них логический ноль, а значит сигнала перегрева нет. Просто процу тапки
NTC и NTCG это сенсоры температуры мосфетов.
В даташите на 20 стр есть таблица сопротивлений.
The controller drives 60μA current source out of the NTC pin and
the NTCG pin alternatively at approximately 1kHz frequency
with 50% duty cycle. The current source flows through the
respective NTC resistor networks on the pins and creates
voltages that are monitored by the controller through an A/D
converter (ADC) to generate the T ZONE value. Table 4 shows the
programming table for T ZONE . The user needs to scale the NTC
and the NTCG network resistance such that it generates the NTC
(and NTCG) pin voltage that corresponds to the left-most column.
Do not use any capacitor to filter the voltage.
Figure 13 shows the how the NTC and the NTCG network should be
designed to get correct VR_HOT#/ALERT# behavior when the
system temperature rises and falls, manifested as the NTC and the
NTCG pin voltage falls and rises.